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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 297

At Mansion No. 9

Waking up from her dream, Janet fumbled on her bed to look for her ringing phone. She clicked on the screen without looking at it, and answered, "Hello?"

"Jane, we're taking your daughter with us to go to the old house. Are you coming with?" It was Ella's voice.

Hearing her mother's voice, Janet remembered what had happened the night before. She wondered why so many people had said that her mother was a murderer.

"Mom, I'm not going to the old house today. I'll go some other day, " said Janet.

She was wide awake now. She sat up on the bed and scanned the spacious bedroom.

"Okay, but don't let your great-grandmother wait too long, " said Ella.

"Okay, Mom."

After hanging up, Janet looked at the time on her phone, and then called up her father.

"Dad, are you going to the old house?" Janet carefully probed her father.

In the study room, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and holding a bunch of papers, Samuel answered the phone, "No, I'm busy with a case."

"Oh, how about my mother?" asked Janet.

Samuel felt that his daughter might have something to ask, so he took off his glasses, stood up from his chair, and while looking outside the window, he answered, "Your mother and your sister-in-law have gone to the old house, together with your daughter and John. They have just left. My dear daughter, what's the matter?"

"Dad..." Stuttering, Janet asked, "I was just curious about something... Please don't overthink it."

"Okay, tell me, " said Samuel.

"Why do other people say that Mom is... a murderer?" Janet had never heard about it before she had come across Clarissa.

After hearing her question, Samuel's face instantly darkened.

He wondered who brought up this issue again, after so many years had passed.

"Your mother had defended herself justifiably in court. Jane, don't think about it too much. Never, for a second, doubt your mother. She isn't a bad person."

When she had heard that her mother hadn't done anything wrong, Janet finally felt relieved and said, "Dad! Of course, I know that Mom isn't a bad person. I just wanted to know more about the situation. Please don't mention this to Mom."

"Okay, but Jane, why are you bringing this up? Did anyone try to attack you with this?" asked Samuel. Like the smart lawyer that he was, Samuel nailed it.

"It's all right now, Dad. I can handle it myself." But... In reality, it was Daniel who handled the situation.

When Janet thought about it further, she realized that if Daniel hadn't showed up last night, Clarissa Yi might not have let her off easily.

With this in mind, Janet knew what she was going to do next.

She must regain her position in C Country as soon as possible. Even if no one was by her side, she would still be capable of handling things on her own. She wouldn't be bothering Daniel with trivial things anymore.

An international CEO like Daniel didn't even have time to eat or sleep, so Janet didn't want to add on to his stress more than she already did.

On the other hand, in Daniel's mind, he wanted Janet to rely on him all the time. He wanted her to keep him in the loop, to make him a part of her life.

Samuel was well-aware of his daughter's ability, so he knew what actually happened. "You can handle it? I suppose it was Daniel who helped you out, right?"

Although Janet was much more composed and calmer than she used to be, she still had a weakness - her compassionate heart.

If she hadn't been cornered to a dead-end, she would've never attacked anyone, no matter how much she despised the person.


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