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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities novel Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Although Simeon only had a few scenes in the movie, his character required energy and his performance was full of tension. As a result, his high points on Twitter and other social media were almost overwhelming.

Various short video clips received numerous likes, comments, and shares.

#Simeon's expressions are so real

#Simeon is amazing

It seems that all this popularity has turned Brock into an actor with great acting skills.

Some people have faces that tell stories naturally while others may look handsome or pretty but lack substance or story. Fortunately, the actors in "The Beggarly Girl Is A Noble Lady" were all quite good; there were hardly any moments where they felt out of place or caused viewers to lose interest.

This movie has taken over almost all of certain music platforms and Twitter.

Everywhere you go there are unknown netizens promoting it; it has practically taken over everyone's social media accounts.

It seems impossible not to watch it since everyone is curious as to why this movie is so popular and why so many people recommend it. Even those who didn't want to watch it before are now thinking about giving it a try because of how much hype surrounds it.

Now that this movie is so popular, most people will follow the crowd mentality.

Beforehand, many entertainment circles waited for Sylvia and Brock to fail miserably because they thought "Top Idol's Trash Picking up" was just lucky enough to get famous.

Many also did not think highly of Sylvia and Brock as partners for their second film together. Furthermore, some well-known directors even criticized the film saying things like "I think this movie was poorly made from start to finish; there won't be any audience for such a small-scale production." Or "This is just another niche film using celebrities as decoration."

However... now these directors' faces have been smashed by the box office success of this film!

Many netizens went on their Twitter pages leaving messages like. "Didn't you say that this would be niche? Didn't you say celebrities were just decorations?" Or "Now Sylvia is famous again! There's nothing we can do about her talent! You're just jealous!" Or even demanding apologies from them.

The director was ridiculous. That night, he tweeted again, "If you can't make it to the top, you just can't. The reason why my movie is so popular is because I cast handsome men and beautiful women! If I had cast some ugly old people, would it still be popular? You guys are shallow and only care about looks."

But no one wanted to deal with him anymore.

They all thought he was just a clown.

"Forget it, I won't bother with you. Your tolerance level is too low."

The director was infuriated. He wanted to create some buzz for his new movie by saying those attention-grabbing words. He wanted people to notice his new film.

But after the movie premiered, it suffered a crushing defeat that was unbearable to watch.

On the first day of release, box office sales were only a few million dollars. The director was so angry that he almost collapsed.

He cursed at netizens on Twitter for not recognizing good work and having poor taste in movies. Then he went on Tiktok and recorded a long video explaining how difficult it was when making this film and how much pain he endured during its creation process while complaining about everything else happening in the industry as well as criticizing other filmmakers' works. Some of which were valid points while others were just meant for publicity stunts.

After learning about his true nature, netizens chose to ignore him altogether.

Brock found all these antics from the director amusing as he sat in a coffee shop chatting with his friend Darnell who used to work with him before.

"Just look at this guy," Brock shook his head helplessly."He's attacking Miss Andrews, me and my actors."

"He has such bad reputation," Darnell smiled."He attacked several online writers not long ago claiming their works are trash but only praised himself."

Darnell seemed hesitant about something but then Brock put down his coffee cup looking puzzled.

"You asked me out today because there's something important you want to tell me?"

Darnell hesitated again but now felt like she had no choice since she couldn't find any investors or support for her project despite believing strongly in its potential success if executed properly...

"What can't we talk about between you and me?" Brock had a good relationship with Darnell, who was a director of variety shows. Although the fame and recognition of variety show directors in the industry were not as high as those of film and television drama directors, they were still acceptable.

What happened this time?

Darnell's programs were always known for their novelty, and he always liked to shoot some meaningful programs. However, because these programs were more orthodox, the entertainment value and maliciousness would be lower. Therefore, the ratings were not very good.

Recently he heard that one of his programs had been canceled.

This time...

Brock felt that Darnell might have encountered some difficulties.

"Well Mr. Davila," said Darnell with a slightly embarrassed face after explaining his situation to Brock. "As you know, I've been preparing for a new program but no TV station is willing to cooperate with me or any investors or advertisers are interested in my project. So now... I'm at my wit's end."

He heard that Sylvia was responsible for rescuing Brock when he was destitute.


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