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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 243

Chapter 243 Abortion

That night, I did not manage to catch even a wink of sleep. Within my mind, all I could think of was Michael’s engagement plan with Emma.

“Michael, are you really willing to marry Emma? Won’t you regret it?”

I had been contemplating how to ask that question for a very long time, but I eventually failed to suppress my doubt. When I spoke, I was not even sure if Michael was still awake.

“So what if I’m not willing?”

He answered my question with another question.

Nonetheless, I could sense that he did not seem that bothered to proceed with the engagement.

“If you’re not willing, why would you do it then? Don’t you think spending a life with someone you don’t love is quite a miserable life?”

I turned around to face him with my eyes looking extremely earnest.

“Not everything in this life goes as we please.”

He stared back at me, his tone utterly composed. But somehow, I could felt slight helplessness in it.

I was at a loss for words at that moment. Perhaps he has a good reason to follow and accept the arrangement made by his family.

It seemed like love was not the top priority in his world.

“It’s late. We should get some sleep.”

Trying hard to suppress the sorrow in my heart, I closed my eyes after saying that.

I was not sleepy at all, but I was petrified to continue the conversation with him. I feared that I would eventually find out that he would not cancel the engagement regardless of his feelings for me.

As I closed my eyes tightly, but I could feel Michael still gazing at me. After a short moment, he reached his hand and caressed my face gently.

My body trembled slightly upon feeling his touch. At that instant, I wished I could jump right into his embrace and beg him not to marry Emma.

But who am I to ask him for that? And even if I said it, I was not sure if he would change his mind.

“Giving up on you might be the hardest decision I will ever have to make in this life.”

With his hand still on my face, he whispered out those words.

Upon hearing that, my chest heaved up and down as I tried to suppress my emotions. I could feel the sincerity in his words, but I could not comprehend why a man would choose his career over his happiness.

In the end, I did not open my eyes to face him, eventually dozing off without realizing it. I slept soundly that night; I guess Michael gave me a unique sense of security.

However, Michael had already left when I woke up the next morning.

Staring at the deserted room, I felt a sudden emptiness within my heart. Are we really becoming strangers from now on?

I sat on the bed with my hands wrapped tightly around my legs. I started thinking back on all our memories. Even though Michael often treated me coldly and domineeringly, he was the only one who was there for me whenever I needed help.

Staring at the empty bed, I could still smell his scent from it. Last night would most probably be the last time I would ever get to meet him.

I locked myself from the world for these two days. I did not dare to turn on the television nor the computer at all, as all the news would be broadcasting about Michael’s sensational engagement. I did not think I would be able to accept that reality.


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