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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 244

Chapter 244 I Changed My Mind

Staring at the needle approaching my body, I suddenly felt a great fear of losing the baby in my stomach.

I pushed away from the doctor nervously and jumped right off the bed.

“I’m so sorry, doctor. I changed my mind. think I want to keep my baby.”

As I scrambled to wear my pants, I stared at the doctor apologetically. I wondered if I was the first one who regretted the decision of abortion right at the very last second.

I thought the doctor would be mad, thinking I had wasted her time. But instead, she showed signs of no anger at all. She took off her mask and cast a genuine smile towards me.

“Every child is an angel. Please appreciate such a gift in the future.”

Upon saying that, the doctor turned and walked out of the operating room.

I did not know how and when I left the hospital. As I walked alone on the street, fear still lingered in my chest. The thought of my baby being gone if I had not change my mind at the last second ignited a sense of despair within me.

Even though I felt lost at the thought of the future of myself and my child, at that very moment, my instinct told me that I would not regret this. The baby was part of me now, and there was no way I would abandon it.

I touched my belly carefully. Although it was still too tiny to be detected, I could imagine it growing gradually.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head and looked at the sky. I had made up my mind. No matter how people would look at me, no matter how hard it would be to take care of a child, I would try my best to be a good mother.

Taking out my phone, I called Natalie to see if she was at home, and I was glad to know that she was.

After I arrived at her house, we chatted briefly before she suddenly mentioned Michael.

“Anna, do you know that Michael is getting engaged today?”

My friend stated the question carefully while observing my expression.

Before that, I was still in the joy of keeping the baby, but my smile vanished the instant I heard that man’s name.

“Of course I know about it. It’s the biggest news that’s trending all over now. Everyone knows about it.”

I knew Natalie was aware of my feelings towards Michael, but I still tried my hardest to seem calm.

“Don’t you have any plan? Since you like him so much, are you going to watch him getting married to another woman?”

Natalie was somewhat pissed by my calmness. In my heart, I knew she was a true friend who cared for my happiness.

“At this point, there’s nothing I can do anymore. As you know, there is no future between Michael and I.”

I knew Natalie was trying to encourage me, but I had lost all my courage. I was afraid that more courage would only bring more agony in the end.

“Anna, are you going to piss me off? How can you give up without trying? Didn’t you say that Michael also likes you?”

“Natalie, I have never expected a future of us. I feel content with having this baby. That’s all that matters to me now.”

I patted my belly gently; the child was my only spiritual sustenance right now.

“Baby? What baby? You’re pregnant?”


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