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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291 A Loaded Apology

Michael stared at me, frowning at my somber mood. He asked gently, “What’s wrong? Why are you suddenly upset?”

He stared at me in concern. Faced with his piercing gaze, I found myself at a loss for words.

I hesitated about recounting my confrontation with Josephine to Michael. I had no idea how he would react and I did not wish to add to his worries.

“Nothing’s wrong. The weather’s been so hot lately that it’s making me uncomfortable. I’ll be right as rain after some rest.” I forced a smile on my face and immediately evaded his eye contact.

He saw straight through my weak excuse and asked seriously, “Do you think I would fall for that? Anna, don’t lie to me. What happened?”

“I-I… Mrs. Shaw approached me today.”

I eventually succumbed to his request after some hesitation. Honesty is the best policy. I did not want to keep things from him and cause a rift between us in the future.

Michael’s expression hardened as I told him what had happened. When I finished recounting my experience, he looked downright hostile.

His anger was palpable, yet my insecurities flared their ugly heads as I wondered if he was furious at his mother for driving a wedge through our relationship or if he was annoyed that I was being a tattletale.

My anxiety peaked at Michael’s prolonged silence, and I immediately offered an apology. “I’m sorry, I-”

“Don’t take anything she says to heart,” he said simply before turning his attention back to dinner.

I was perplexed. Is this his way of comforting me?

Michael’s firm reply did little to soothe my fraught nerves. She’s his mom, after all. I can’t bring myself to care less about her words.

He was exhausted enough as it is, and it would be thoughtless of me to add to his burdens. Josephine’s appearance was frustrating, but I believed that with time, her impression of me would improve.

After dinner, I cleared the table while Michael headed off to the balcony to make a phone call.

“All right, I’ll see you in half an hour.”

That was the first thing I heard when I came out of the kitchen after doing the dishes.

I stared at Michael and wondered who he had been on the phone with.

“I’m going out for a while. You should catch an early night’s rest.” He seemed to avoid my gaze as he said this.

It was far too late at night for him to be working on company matters. Despite my suspicions, I swallowed the question on the tip of my tongue. I did not want to pry into every single one of his matters.

“Okay. Don’t come home too late.” I smiled at him and pretended I was not dying to know who he was meeting at this hour.


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