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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 292

Chapter 292 A Lucrative Marriage

Mom’s caring demeanor was everything I had ever imagined. Now that she was finally showing affection for me, the situation somehow felt too good to be true. What’s wrong with me? I can’t help but think that something’s about to go wrong when she’s nice to me.

“Mom, you’re overthinking. So many things have been happening lately and I’ve simply been too busy to find the time to visit you.”

My words belied the resentment I felt toward my mom. I could not, however, bring myself to voice my resentment when faced with her sensitive question.

“Anna, I know how you’re feeling. It was entirely my fault last time. I’m sorry I didn’t stop to consider your feelings.” She even kept her head lowered for good measure, looking like she was deeply regretful over her actions.

I looked at Mom in shock. She never used to apologize, even if she was at fault. What the heck is going on? Have I entered some alternate universe where my mom actually isn’t a selfish person? I can’t believe she’s saying “sorry” to me right now!

I did not know what to think of my mom’s sudden change in behavior, though her apology went a long way in dispelling the grudge I felt toward her.

“Mom, it’s all in the past now. We don’t have to bring it up again.”

My statement was not a decision to forgive and forget each of my mom’s past transgressions. I merely did not want to be reminded of how badly she had hurt me in the past.

“All right, I won’t bring it up in the future,” Mom said in response.

Just then, Steven approached us with a cup of freshly-brewed tea in hand.

“Anna, have some tea.” He looked at me woodenly, a marked improvement from his usual hostility.

I noticed that he had limped into the living room. It was, however, a good sign that he was longer in a wheelchair or crutches. He should recover fully in no time.

“Your legs seem to be healing well,” I remarked as my gaze landed on Steven’s legs, relieved at the pace of his recovery.

“I went to the hospital for a checkup and the doctor said that it was recovering well. Besides, I’m still young. With proper rest and rehabilitation, my legs will be good as new.”

Steven no longer seemed enraged by my presence like before. In fact, he seemed to have matured a great deal, though I remained wary about his improved demeanor.

“That’s great! Once you’ve fully recovered, you can focus on looking for a job. Please stop gambling, or you might not be as lucky the next time around.”

He had gotten both his legs broken due to his gambling debts. I was worried that he would go back to the gambling dens again once he was better.

“I know. I’ll look for a job soon. Don’t worry, Anna,” he replied calmly.

Steven would have argued with me in the past instead of obediently accepting my advice; I would not have put it past him to blame me for his broken legs as well. His behavior today, however, struck me dumb. Has he finally come to his senses?


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