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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Court Hearing (1

Laurel watched as Hayden and her father left

She walked towards the audience seats to listen

At this moment, many people also arrived one after another

The people chose their seats and sat down

Laurel,” a familiar voice suddenly sounded

Laurel turned her head, feeling a bit surprised. Shelley, you came!” 

This is about my godfather. I had to come.“” 

In fact, it was Shelley who voluntarily called Irvin godfather

It was just because she wanted to call Irvin that when she was in a good mood. Usually in Lexingcester, people need the elders to hold a ceremony to confirm the godfather

Only Shelley would be so casual

Where is Nathan?Laurel asked hurriedly

Laurel, I noticed that you cared more about Nathan than you cared about me. I am angry,Shelley said unhappily

Laurel was speechless. You are now a couple. My concern for him is my concern for you!” 

I didn’t like the word couple!” 

Laurel was speechless. So, how was your cohabitation 

Chapter 263 Court Hearing (1

with Nathan?” 

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It’s fine. We live our own lives. Just don’t disappear, Nathan. I don’t care about anything else.” 

Nathan, it was because of you that his leg got injured. Can’t 

you show a little bit of concern for him?Laurel was truly exasperated


Miranda hired a beautiful female caregiver for him. Why should I care?” 

Are you jealous?” 

No way. I wish Nathan had fallen in love with a caregiver and divorced me.” 

Laurel felt that she couldn’t communicate happily with Shelley 


Actually, she did understand Shelley

Even if she knew the truth in this life, standing in Shelley’s position, she still couldn’t accept Nathan. After all, in Shelley’s eyes, Nathan was the despicable one who tore her and Paul apart

Nathan chose to resolve Paul’s sinister plot in a different way

The fact is just like that

She respected his decision

Bruno came,Shelley suddenly spoke

Laurel wanted to persuade Shelley again, but it was not the right time


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She turned her head and took a glance

She watched as Bruno walked straight towards her

What did you come here for?Shelley asked

Shelley had a very poor impression of Bruno

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In the past, Shelley thought Bruno loved Laurel and was a good man. Now Shelley thinks Bruno is nothing

In the past, Shelley thought Bruno was quite handsome

In the past, Shelley thought Bruno was very elegant

Shelley doesn’t feel that way anymore

Hayden was much better than Bruno

After all, I had a relationship with Laurel, so I would also show some concern for her father’s lawsuit. Bruno always had a hypocritical demeanor.” 

Thank you then,Laurel chuckled lightly

In front of so many people, she wouldn’t argue with Bruno here

Laurel was very calm

She knew that Bruno wanted to see her father sentenced

She certainly wanted to help him

I heard that it was Hayden who came to fight this lawsuit?Bruno suddenly asked

The day before the court hearing, they informed Jerome that 

Chapter 263 Court Hearing (1

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he didn’t need to appear in court. This made Jerome somewhat unhappy. However, in the end, Laurel and Hayden were the employers, and they compensated Jerome for the breach of contract, resolving the conflict

In Lexingcester, there were regulations that required defense lawyers to notify the court in advance for appearing in court. They notified Hayden. After a series of reviews, Hayden became Laurel’s father’s defense lawyer

These news should not have been made public yet, but Bruno already knew

This can only indicate that Bruno really intervened in many details of this case

So Bruno knew everything

Laurel calmly said, Yes.” 

Has Hayden ever been involved in a lawsuit?Bruno asked sarcastically. I’m not questioning it. After all, he has indeed. surprised everyone so much for such a long time. But the law is not a game, and if Hayden doesn’t perform well, I’m worried that your father’s sentence will be increased.” 

Since you came to the court, just watch quietly. As for the final outcome of the lawsuit, it doesn’t concern you much. If you keep talking, I will think that you have ill intentions.” 

Bruno appeared visibly angry

Laurel completely ignored Bruno

Bruno held his temper and thought, Anyway, Irvin will be sentenced soon, and Laurel will know how serious the 

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consequences are!” 

He just needs to wait now

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Bruno thought, Laurel has become a difficult woman now.” 

He walked to the position next to Laurel and prepared to sit down

A person suddenly approached and intentionally bumped into Bruno

Bruno was unstable and almost fell down

He quickly grabbed onto the seat

Sorry, this seat is mine,” Erik said as he plopped down

Bruno was very dissatisfied

Due to his upbringing, Bruno could not possibly get angry


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