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Alan’s Erotic Adventure novel Chapter 12

The next day, Alan got to school early as the official at county level was coming for inspection.

But the potbellied fat official didn’t arrive until 11:00 a.m. It did take him great efforts to trudge through several mountains. But the fat man carelessly checked and shook his head on and off.

In the end, he gave a command.

“If the school is ranked the last in the senior high school entrance examination, it will be dissolved and integrated to that of the neighboring town. And you guys gotta go home!” The official wore a pair of big glasses and he pushed it higher whenever he spoke.

Hearing this, Thomas, the headmaster, almost cried, “Mr. Martin, it is not reasonable. The neighboring town is too far. Children have to go through many mountains.”

“Damn! Then try to improve the teaching quality!” George scolded and left without having lunch.

Thomas had to gather everyone to the office.

“You guys had already heard what George said.” Thomas wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, for he was still frightened by George’s words. “Alan, Michelle, you are both teaching Grade 9, so we mustn’t get the worst this time. If you have any request, just speak it out. I will do whatever I can to support.”

“No worries, Mr. Smith. Michelle and I would come up with a set of methods to improve students’ performance.” Alan promised. If the school was really dissolved, he would have to leave the village . How could he flirt with these white plump girls.

Alan entered his class, looking at his kids he loved and hated. They hadn’t yet understood that knowledge could change their fates, like what he used to be when he was a student.

They wouldn’t get it if he said to them, as they didn’t experience it, so it was hard for them to comprehend. It was human weakness. Alan clearly knew that he studied hard only because he didn’t want to be considered as a Peeping Tom or a Pervert by the school.

“I know you guys don’t want to go to school, and you want dating and money. I used to be the same as you guys.” Alan looked at the students with genuine eyes. He didn’t have rich experience in teaching, but he possessed more knowledge than any other people. “Fine, if you guys make progress, I will take you guys to watch movies, have picnic, and even grant your wishes.”

The students became excited after hearing that.

“I will study hard if you become my boyfriend. Lol” A girl said. She was Sue, who asked Alan whether he had a girlfriend when he made an introduction at the first time.

Sue looked enchanting and a bit too precocious. Of course, the maturity was shown in some other aspect. To put it straight, she was so precocious that she began to think about sex.

“If you don’t score the worst in the mid-term or final-term examination across the county, I will run in the playground nakedly. I want some challenging fun.”

After what he said, a girl Jimmy who tended to be cold-faced also laughed and added, “Not bad if someone wants to see that.”

The whole class burst into laughter. Alan was silent embarrassedly.

“You… you try every means to pull my leg.”

“Ha ha, Teacher Alan, we don’t mean to slack off, but there are many questions that upset us.” said an outstanding student who got the first place in class in every examination. How should he say that he couldn’t deal with many questions? Other students must be embarrassed.

However, an outstanding student could motivate the rest.

“That’s my fault, and I will teach you how to learn and solve problems rather than knowledge itself.” Alan felt the same. He could improve dramatically because of correct learning methods instead of how hardworking he was.

“Teacher Alan, I have to pull up weeds, feed rabbits and pigs, and prepare the meal. How can I spare more time for learning?”

“Teacher Alan, I have to take two buses to school every day. It will be lucky if I can reach home before the night befall. How can I have time for homework?”

“Teacher Alan, my father urges me to graduate quickly and demands me to learn how to farm with him. I won’t enter the senior high school. Why should I take the examination?”

The students all talked at once with many questions popping out. Alan understood as well that rural areas had many realistic problems that urban students couldn’t imagine.

“If you don’t enter well-known senior high schools or universities, you will graze cattle, chop woods, feed pigs, trudge through two mountains and farm with dad of course forever!” Alan especially raised his voice when he said “forever”.


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