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Alan’s Erotic Adventure novel Chapter 22

As night fell, the whole Vergina Village melted into darkness.

The villagers had built a small waterpower station by digging a deep reservoir on top of a mountain. But its generating capacity was not enough to meet the electricity needs of the village. Even with energy-saving lamps, the electrical power was still not enough. So electricity cut was prevalent in the village.

It was too expensive to install utility poles in such a mountainous village. Electricity supply was still tight, not to mention networks, mobile phone reception or television. The countryside was way lagged behind the modern city in the quality of life. The villagers depended directly on agriculture for their livelihood. They might not actually starve but they were very poor.

Alan put the flashlight in his pocket and stood in the dark peach orchard, waiting for Michelle.

There were no lights at night. It was pitch dark outside. So making love in public was common and convenient here. A woman might have sex with another man on the way to the toilet while her husband didn’t know at all.

Alan heard someone moaning in the peach orchard shortly after getting there. He wanted to follow the sound, but Michelle turned up.

“Sorry, I am late,” said Michelle. Michelle was tall and beautiful, with long hair. This night she was dressed in a black gown. She was more charming than Amy. Michelle was the most beautiful woman in the village. She was stylish and not anything like a rural woman.

Actually rural women were not that conservative. They were unhappy about a marriage arranged by their parents. They might not as blatant as urban women, but they also had affairs with men, even some did that for benefits.

Perhaps they had sex with others every night but nobody knew. That was the true village.

“It’s OK, I've just arrived too,” said Alan. It was his first date in the poor village. He wore sportswear instead of a suit, for it was strange to wear a suit in such a backward village.

Not far away, the moans were so loud that Michelle heard it distinctly. She felt embarrassed. It was her first date too. Although she had lots of wooers, she had rejected them all.

She might not come here if Alan didn't ask her out to talk about the meaning of life.

“And what do you think we move to a better place?” said Michelle, “There is a meadow above, we will have a good view of the village and look at the stars in the meadow. Why don't we go there?”

Alan agreed. He shone the flashlight around just in time to see a couple making love there. The peach orchard looked more like a bordello. As soon as it was dark, it was home to many sexual partners.

A pair was enraged by Alan’s flashlight as the man stood up without even putting on his pants. “Fuck! Get away!”

Michelle looked closer and found that he was Marcus. “Sorry, Marcus. We're just passing by,” said Michelle embarrassedly.

Marcus smiled at her when he recognized that the girl was Michelle. “So it's you! You come here to …” said Marcus, pointing to Michelle and Alan.

Marcus thought the peach orchard was a heaven for lonely and hungry souls. They just pretended not to see anything whenever they met someone they knew. This had been a game rule among the village women.

Michelle knew Marcus had misunderstood her, “Marcus, shut up. We're really just passing by,” She explained. Michelle was afraid that the rumor of her presence in a place would go through the village. She grabbed Alan and fled.

A woman emerged from the dark when they left. “I have never thought that Michelle is a slut too! She was so pretentious. Yuck!”

Marcus dragged his eyes away from Michelle. “Do you want to run after her?” The woman said jealously and stamped on Marcus’s foot very hard.

Marcus squealed with pain and then he smiled foolishly, “Michelle is so beautiful, but who is that man? I have never seen him before,” said Marcus.

“If you’re not gonna get it started, I’ll be going.” said the woman impatiently.

“Of course.” said Marcus. They then disappeared into darkness again.

Michelle didn’t slow down until they were far away from the peach orchard.

“Sorry, I did not know the situation around here,” said Alan honestly. If he knew what was going on there, he would not choose the peach orchard as the place for their first date.

“It’s OK. I recognize the woman. She is the most well-known slut in the village for she gets fuck by numerous guys,” said Michelle. She stopped worrying about the spreading of the rumor because they were innocent.


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