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Alan’s Erotic Adventure novel Chapter 4

The two looked at each other, shivering like getting an electric shock. They fell in love at first sight. Alan was completely overwhelmed by the girl's pure tender eyes, recalling his first love five or six years ago.

Since then, Alan had never got a crush on a girl like that.

They froze there for a few minutes and didn’t even want to move their eyes away. There was nothing more beautiful than this.

The pretty girl had been flushed. Was this the feeling in love? The girl was so shy that she lowered her head with adverted eyes.

Alan came back to himself. Why were gorgeous women everywhere in this village? With snowy white skin and rosy cheeks, the girl looked 5 feet high.

The girl squatted down to pick up the clothes scattered by the hit with Alan.

Alan hurriedly said sorry, also bent down to help. The girl lowered her head as she was afraid to look at Alan, but she tittered shyly. Alan also smiled gently.

Right at this moment, a middle-aged woman walked over. She was in her early forties, but still very charming. She didn’t look that mature. Seeing the scattered clothes, she asked, “What's the matter?”

Alan raised his head as he thought the village woman looked so familiar. ‘Wasn't this Karen Karen?’ He was stunned. Karen didn’t change much from what she was ten years ago. She got married early and gave birth to his cousin at the age of 19. Now she was 41 but she still looked like a young lady with rosy cheeks in her twenties.

“Auntie Karen?” asked Alan.

Hearing this, Karen frowned and was stunned with her pretty daughter. She then said surprisedly as she recognized him, “Alan?”

Karen hurried over, looked at him again and again, caressed his chest muscles and cheeks, and said excitedly, “You were a little fat kid last time I met you. You’ve grown up tall and handsome now.”

“You’re getting younger and younger too,” Alan boasted. But this was the truth.

Karen smiled, turned her head and looked at the girl who was stunned, looking at Alan. “Carol, Why were you stuck there? Come say hello to Cousin Alan!” said Karen.

“Cousin Alan?” Carol looked surprised and didn't expect the handsome guy in front of her was her cousin.

“Carol?” Alan also didn't expect the pretty little girl who really turned him on was his cousin.

Carol felt so happy as she lowered her head and ran to the river with her clothes.

“Back to the house, take a bath, and we’ll have dinner soon.” Karen took Alan's hand and walked into the back room. She kept nagging about what happened in the old days, while Alan just nodded as he didn't even remember those things.

Karen’s house was so big. Lands were everywhere in the countryside, so all people had big houses. Karen had been living here for almost 20 years, so it was also very old. The concrete walls were all pitted with repairs.

There were several rooms on each floor. On the first floor there were a kitchen, a dining table, a storeroom, and a bedroom for Karen and her husband Daniel.

On the second floor, there were a food storeroom and three bedrooms, one for each of the three daughters. On the third floor there was a low attic. With only one window it was now empty. There was also a ladder outside towards a small open-air roof deck for drying food.

In front of the house there was a small yard with two pomelo trees. On the left there were a water source and a toilet. The toilet was so far away and inconvenient, especially for girls to use in the middle of the night. On the right there was a garden full of vegetables. In the backyard there was a small pond with fish.

“Where are Uncle Daniel and the other two cousins? Are they not there?” Alan asked casually where the others had gone as he only saw his eldest cousin Carol and Karen.

“Daniel is busy on the mountain and will be coming back soon. Carol is bored in her bedroom. You can go to see her after a bath. Your second eldest cousin Betty is right at the next village and probably not coming back tonight.” Karen said while pulling Alan to the back yard.

“Just take a bath there.” Karen pointed to the open space on the left, where there was tap water and cement boards for washing clothes.

“There? In the open air?” Alan couldn't accept it. He was a strong man though. Wasn't there a toilet?

“Don’t be afraid. You are a strong guy. This’s how people do it in the countryside. Take off your clothes. I will help you,” said Karen.

“Help me?” Alan only heard this. How could she help him bathe? He was an adult now, and he would be mocked if people knew this.

“Emmm…I can bathe myself…” Alan was a little uncomfortable.

“Come on. Don’t be shy. I helped you bathe every time when you were a child. I’ve seen and touched every part of your body,” Karen said jokingly.

“It’s fine for I was a child at that time, but now I’ve grown up.” Alan scratched his head with a smile, but he was not shy.

Karen didn’t listen to him. She thought Alan was her child, no matter if he had grown up or not. She took off his clothes and saw his strong compact body. Alan was nearly 6 feet high. He used to be a student with sports talent in high school, so he was very muscular.

His toned muscles made Karen a little flustered. She had never met such a charming guy. Village women were very conservative. Karen had never seen a man’s body that close except his husband Daniel’s.

Karen didn't think much. She was already a 41-year-old woman after all. How could she covet her sister's son? Wasn't that dirty?

Alan thought he used to bathe with Karen when he was a child. So he finally accepted it, and he took off his pants. However, probably because he took off so hard after getting drenched from the river, his underwear and outer pants were stuck and put off together.

At this moment, his huge half-hard cock was bouncing like a spring. Under this normal condition, it was more than ten centimeters long, and its thickness was even more terrifying. Even it was bigger than the hard ones of common guys.

Karen witnessed all this clearly. She had never seen this private part of a man except Daniel. She thought all men shared the same size, but now Alan’s was way bigger than Daniel’s. She was stunned.

Alan felt awkward and hurriedly covered his lower body with his hand. He found Karen flushed with her tits going up. When she was aware that Alan was also staring at them, she felt extremely embarrassed.


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