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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 70

  Selene's eyes widen in admiration and fill with tears.

  "It must be nice to have a family, isn't it? What did you feel when you saw me and Ty for the first time? When you held us for the first time?" Her eyes filled with tears. She knew Selene was talking about the fact she was denied the chance of starting a family with Blake, now that she is in the goddesses realm.

  "It was the most beautiful thing in all existence baby girl. And I know that you wish you could have been given that chance. I know it was cruel of me to allow you to come here! It was a choice Selene and I could have made to allow you to stay alive and back with Blake. But I just had to see you. I needed to hold you at least once. When you get to hold your first baby in your arms, you will know what I mean. But for now! I'm begging you. Don't hate me for making you come here. I needed to embrace you. I needed you to know that I love you and your brother. There's not a day I wish I could be with you."

  "Yeah well, that will never happen now that I'm officially dead on earth now, will it?"

  "I don't know, are you really?"

  Artemis cups her face, kissing her forehead and embracing her tightly.

  "Wait! Are you saying, I can go back? I can be with him? Is that what you're saying?" Her tears roll freely down her cheeks, though Artemis wishes otherwise, she knows that the only thing she wants is to see her twins happy.

  "Yes. That's what I'm saying. You will go back! You will be happy, and live a long and fruitful life with your mate. Because there is no match made in heaven and earth more perfect than you and him. At least, not in my book. Or until Ty makes up his mind to look for Emily." She smiles at her, throwing her arms over her shoulders and kissing her temples. 

  "Oh, my goddess! Is that her name? Wait! She's not our Emily, is it? She's far too small for Ty." Artemis chuckles and throws her hand over her shoulder.

  "No baby. She's a far more beautiful woman. Though, she's human. But she's feisty like you! You two will get along so well. Now! Although it hurts me to say this, but it's time that I say goodbye to you my beautiful! I love you so SO much!" Artemis's voice breaks, a knot caught in her throat. 

  "Thank you, mom! Thank you, Selene!" She looks at goddess Selene and smiles.

Chapter 70 Like Mother, Like Daughter!-2 1


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