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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 71

  "Hey, Buddy! Where are you headed? It's a bit late don't you think? You should get some rest or, maybe I can get the ladies to grab you a bite to eat. I haven't seen you eat a single bite all week. You need to get some food in your-" 

  "I'm not hungry. Just, leave me alone. I'm not in the mood." Blake answers angrily in a low tone towards Harou.

  "Blake. I know you miss her. We all do. But you gotta realize that she's gone, Blake. There's nothing we can do. Rebecca and Tyler have tried endlessly to bring her back, but it's useless. I'm really sorry bud-"

  "I said leave me ALONE. Just let me be Harou. I'm not in the fucking mood." Blake sneers at Harou, his hands fisted, knuckles white. His eyes closed and his head tilted towards the heavens.

  "Why Harou? Why did it have to be her? That dagger was aiming at me. I was supposed to protect her. I failed her miserably. I don't deserve to live either. I lost her forever. And I have no one to blame but myself." 

  He hangs his head, pressing his eyes shut tight, and sighs deeply as he tries to contain his tears.

  Harou pats his shoulder, wishing there's something he could do or say to make him feel less pain, less guilt.

  He sighs and turns, closing his eyes and praying towards the heavens. Pleading there'd be a way for all this to be a dream.

  For so long, he pleaded for the war to end. For the curse of them being stuck in that caved portal to be broken, and have them reunite with their friends.

  Now, the only thing missing from all that was Selene. A great part to their happily ever after. It seemed that all that they had gone through, and all these achievements were not really worth it without the rest of their friendship group.

  If only Selene and Emma were here with them as well.

  Blake shrugs his shoulder. Making Harou's hand fall to his side. Though it seemed like a rude gesture, Harou knows that Blake is simply just agonizing over the loss of his mate.

  "I want to be alone Harou. I'm begging you, leave me in peace. At least, metaphorically speaking, I need to be left alone."

  "I understand Blake. I will be inside with the rest if you need me." Harou answers in a low voice. His eyes filled with tears and sadness for his friends turmoiled in his heart.

  He turns on his heel and walks inside the packhouse, closing the door slowly behind him. 

  Blake slowly sighs, looking towards the heavens and hating the beauty of the stars for the first time as he sees a shooting star past him.

Chapter 71 I’m Yours, Always!-1 1

Chapter 71 I’m Yours, Always!-1 2

Chapter 71 I’m Yours, Always!-1 3


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