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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Revenge. Thats what I wanted right now.

Tied on a chair with ropes and the fire to escape running in my veins.

This was unbelievable.

The person I loved and trusted my whole life betrayed me.


Only because of power.



I went to Dorian's room and locked the windows and the door. I felt useless knowing that my father's pack had attacked and I couldn't do anything.

Tightening the hold of my arms around my chest, I snuggled closer to myself wanting this to be a nightmare which would soon end.

And then suddenly there was a loud bang on the window. I closed my eyes pretending that it was just my hallucination. But no it banged again and this time I gathered myself and stood up with the potential to kill that person's guts.

I peeked from the window, relieved to see John.

I opened it for him to come in.

" Come on Sydney quick, Dorian asked me to take you to a place where you will be safe" he told me motioning his hand for me to take.

Without thinking anything, I took his hand and followed him in the forest to a black jeep. I sat in the backseat with John, and the driver started driving.

I looked out of the window, not uttering a word, because I couldn't feel anything but helpless at that time.

"Here Sydney drink some water and don't worry you'll be safe with me" John told me.

I took the water bottle from him, gulping it in my dry throat and soon darkness took over me.


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