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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 38

Chapter 10

Every parents have some expectations from their children, and mine were no different.

My dad wanted me to be the most confident girl ever, but me belonging to the shy category, was always the queit one and that was why I was never seen on the stage.

But today when I stood on this stage, with thousands of people staring at me, I just wished to see that proud face of my dad.

But you can't get everything you wish for.

So here I stood on the stage, with trembling hands while the crowd stared at me.

To be honest, I hadn't heard a single voice from the crowd since we had come. It was like they were showing some kind of respect and submission.

And then I heard a door bang and came in Alexander.

"Sorry brother, just had some business to finish." he smirked, as he moved up the stage to stand with me.

Ozymandius gave him a hard glare and then took a step forward and instantly everyone everted their eyes from me.

"Good evening everyone." His voice boomed in the loud hall with full authority.

"As you all must know we all are here to celebrate that your Luna has found the first clue, and we are here to hand her the second clue which will lead her to her identity in this Palace." he stated, as he gave me a small glance.

I needed to find out what was Luna.

And with that being said, a man entered carrying a tray in his hand which had a book neatly placed on it.

It was a thick brown leather book with some golden carvings on it. It looked antique but it was in it's perfect condition.

"As I hand her this book today, I would like to remind her that this book date backs to two centuries and is very valuable to this palace, so it is her responsibility to take care of this book from now on." he stated, as he moved forward and handed me the book.

The crowd burst into applause while I tried my best to show a fake smile.

Some time had been passed, and we were still in the party.

Now parties are arranged so people can enjoy themselves and have fun, but no it was the complete opposite case with me.

Ozymandius here was the most boring man I had ever witnessed. We had been sitting on the stage since the party started, while everyone enjoyed the party.

And then as if sensing my current state, Alexander stepped on the stage with that mischievous grin.

"May I?" he smiled, extending his hand towards me and giving me a small bow.

"Sure" I chuckled as I placed my hand in his.

And together we started to get off the stage, when I heard a low growl from behind me, which had me freeze in my steps.

"Give it a chill brother." Alexander winked.

We moved in the crowd which finallymade me feel human again. We passed through crowds of people and reached the food area.

Alexander dipped some marshmallow in the Nutella fountain and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Do you care for a dance?" he asked me.

"Sure" I smiled as we moved to the stage.

Everyone cleared the stage for us and a soft music started playing as we danced arm in arms.

"You look beautiful tonight" he whispered.

"Thank you." I smiled.

And just then he gave me his finger so I could twirl, when I was scooped into another pair of arms.

His arms encased my waist perfectly as he led slow movements to help me keep up with my pace.

Soon enough I saw him leaning close to me, and tightening his grip on me.

"I don't want to see any male touching you except me." And with that being said he was gone again.


My eyes fluttered open to Alexander's black orbs staring at me.


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