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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 21

"Alexander." I whispered and hugged him as we entered Ozymandius's office.

He looked terrible. I could clearly tell he was crying. His hair was messy, his eyes had black circles and his face was totally pale.

"Everything is going to be okey." I assured him.

"When did this happen Alexander?" Ozymandius asked and I broke the hug.

"I don't know. It was around three that she told me she was going to get water from the kitchen and so I was waiting for her but she never came." he said raking a hand through his hair.

"I'm fucking sure Chicago did this, he always wanted to do something that made me vulnerable! " Ozymandius growled.

"I say I take the best soldiers and wage a war against him. That's enough. Who the fucking hell does he think he is to take my mate away from me?" Alexander growled.

"No a war is not the solution, he will be expecting us to wage a war so we will have to come up with another idea." Ozymandius interrupted.

"Brother are you crazy! War is the only option! He has my mate! My wolf is getting weaker and weaker without her!" Alexander growled and slammed his hand on Ozymandius's table so hard that a vase broke.

We all stared at him. I knew it was not the the right time to console him and his anger was truly just.

"I miss her, I fucking miss her." he said after a few seconds.

I looked at him to see a tear running down his face. He was broken. I knew he was in love with her because Zara was truly an angel.

I put my foot forward to hug him, but before I could take a step, Ozymandius had embraced him in a hug tightly.

"I promise I will bring her back." Ozymandius told him.

I saw Alexander completely melt into the hug and sob loudly on Ozymandius's shoulder.

I left the room to give them privacy.




"Pearl." I heard some whispers.

"Who is it?" I stated as I picked up a vase from the nearest table and followed the voice but no reply came.



"pearl." the whispers got louder and louder until I reached an isolated room on the back of the terrace.

Honestly, I was not familiar with that room. It was dark and bare as I entered. Dust was scattered on every corner. Sunlight streamed from a very small window on the upper left.

The whispers had now stopped. My eyes stared the room and stopped at the message infront of me.

My eyes stood still as my body started shaking. It was written in pure blood. I rubbed my eyes, hoping it was a hallucination , but it stood still there.

The blood was fresh, I could tell it because it was dripping on the floor.

Someone was here in this room, waiting for me to read this message.


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