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Alpha Hunter novel (Rayna and Hunter) novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 


I observed my mom descending the stairs, her eyes fixed on my face before shifting to Alpha King Hunter. I sensed her worry, afraid that the formidable alpha king might harm me if I upset him. But deep down, I was certain he wouldn’t

After all, he was my dad

A father never harms his kid

Turner! What are you doing up so early?Mom rushed before me, blocking my view 

of Hunter

I hit the hay early last night, so I woke up early, I shrugged, trying to ease her anxiety. She stared at my face as if she’d seen a ghost. My sweet mother worried excessively about me, and I cherished her for that

I’ll head upstairs and play with my toys then, I added, swiftly leaving her bewildered. I didn’t want her to know my plans

Once in my room, I began pacing around, constantly tapping my fist into my palm, brainstorming a way to execute my plan. If she hadn’t shown up, I would’ve talked to my father. However, the kitchen was nearby, and Grandma might have overheard something. I wanted the conversation kept private

Dad will be so thrilled when he finds out I’m his son,I smiled at the thought of my dad accepting my mother and me. I had longed for a dad for a very long time; everyone in my school had one, and I wanted one too. So, the night I overheard my mom and grandma discussing my father, I was left stunned

That night, I discovered that Hunter was my dad, and I couldn’t have been happier. It was like the greatest news ever

Imagine being the son of such a powerful alpha king. But I also knew that my mom didn’t want him to know about me. She was upset with him because he was marrying that incredibly spoiled woman I had met in the pack. I didn’t like her. I couldn’t fathom what my father saw in her

After a few minutes, my mom ascended the stairs to give me a goodbye kiss. I wanted her to believe I was returning to bed so that she wouldn’t catch onto my plan too quickly

I’ll go get ready for the day. Are you going back to bed again?she frowned, opening the curtains. I had hidden under the blanket to conceal the change of my clothes. I was all set to go to the office with my dad, where I could have a conversation with him

I was a superhero in my dream, and now I remember I saw a house on fire. I shouldn’t have woken up because now who would save the house?I lied, attributing the superhero role to my dad. He was so cool, and all the boys in my class would be jealous when they saw him. He was tall, muscular, handsome, and powerful

You are such a drama queen,she shook her head, laughing at me. Fine, but after a nap, wake up and have your breakfast. Outdoor activities are essential for you, Turner,she warned before bending over my head and planting a gentle kiss

Little did she know that I was about to reunite her with my dad very soon. Once she left to get ready, I jumped out of bed and stealthily sneaked out of the bedroom. Grandma was occupied with the gueststwo in total last night: the alpha king and the rogue king. I didn’t really like the rogue king too much; he looked oddly familiar and scary. I couldn’t remember where I had seen him before, but it would eventually come back to me

I made my way to the alpha king’s car and slid into the backseat. He had left the door open, probably to grab a bag. I had already slipped the bag inside the car when getting in and closed the door. When dad came out, he paused in confusion, likely wondering when he put the bag inside. He then sat in the driver’s seat and started driving

His car smelled so good and cozy. My dad had excellent taste in music too. I couldn’t just reveal myself; I was afraid he would take me back home. I needed to have a talk with him, man to man. Somebody had to sit him down and ask why he 


Chapter 29 

left my mommy

He was driving fast yet comfortably, and I dozed off for a while. I woke up when he slammed the door shut and walked away from the car. I hesitated because now his assistant would come to pick up the bag. I had seen his assistant before. Jeffrey! He was a good guy, not showing any red flags. As soon as he opened the door to the backseat, I saw him yelp and step back

HilI waved my hand as Jeffrey seemed to have a heart attack. I disliked being the cause of someone’s stress, but I had no other choice. If I had asked my mom to let me speak to Hunter alone, she would never have agreed. So, I basically did it to be alone with him and have a talk

Tneed to speak to Alpha King Hunter, I raised my finger to bring Jeffrey back to reality

What are you doing here? Does your mother know about this?Jeffrey asked, in a panic when I jumped out of the car and fixed my jacket

Yeah, I told my mom before hiding in the backseat of his car,I shrugged, trying to stretch my body as hiding behind his seat had made me bend my legs

“I need to call your mother, Jeffrey grabbed his phone, but before he could call her, I hushed him down 

You can call her after I’m done talking to the alpha king. Besides, I’m getting cold here. Do you want me to catch a cold?1 pointed, and Jeffrey rolled his eyes at me. Seel I knew he was a good guy. He walked me to the top floor and let me inside the alpha king’s office

To my surprise, it was empty

Where the hell did my dad go then

Deciding to wait around, I noticed the picture frames on his desk

Such beautiful frames but wasted on a woman like this,I sighed at the pictures of Tara. She had such a phony smile. Why would my dad choose her over my mother? My mom was so graceful and gorgeous; her eyes were a perfect shade of blue. and her hair was like the golden fur of a beautiful wolf

She is so-I paused when the door opened, but instead of my dad returning to his office, it was the lady I didn’t like. She didn’t even knock and invited herself in. The smile on her face faded when she saw me instead of my dad. The black suit she wore looked so ugly on her, and her eyes were giving off evil vibes. Nevertheless, I didn’t like her, and my dad shouldn’t either

HilI still smiled at her because my mom taught me to treat everyone with respect even if I hated them

What are you doing here?” she suddenly yelled when she noticed that I was sitting in my dad’s chair

Well, I can ask you the same question, I said, then realizing she didn’t understand, I simplified it for her

You’re here too. I didn’t ask you why you are here, so you shouldn’t ask me either, I mumbled, feeling a bit hesitant to converse with her. She was loud and had a scary appearance. She didn’t seem like she would spare me if I didn’t behave right with her

Get out of this chair,” she rushed in my direction and grabbed my arm so hard that I feared she had pulled it out of my shoulder. She then forced me out of the chair and threw me on the floor. It all happened so quickly that I couldn’t even defend myself in the beginning

You are hurting me.I whispered, getting to my feet and trying not to look scared of her

Why are you here, you little piece of garbage?she hunched over and pinched my cheek, making my heart sink in my chest She was doing this without any fear


Chapter 29 

I had never experienced anyone hitting me before, not even during my time in the rogue community where people didn’t raise their hands on children

“I’m here to talk to Hunter,I said, refusing to call him my dad in front of her and risk angering her


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