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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 102

101. Moments to Cherish


The dancing lasted for ages. The quintuplets, Dante, Alejandro, and Damon, all wanted a dance. 1

My feet were sore, and I could see Leo had left the dance floor after the dance with Skyla. I saw him chatting to pack members, some of who had also approached me and welcomed me. He was now talking to Dan and Jin.

“I’m glad you came.” I tell Dante, looking up at him.

“Me too. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He smiles.

It hurt to know he was somehow alone… He had to stay isolated because people couldn’t cope around him. My baby kicks and I smile. “So, this baby is going to be your nephew or niece… or it can be your cousin from my side.” I scrunch my nose trying to link the connection, and Dante chuckles. “Confusing.” I sigh.

“Well, regardless of all the family ties… I can sense it’s going to be strong.” He says.

I tilt my head. “Don’t tell me as I want it to be a surprise, but do you know the gender?” I ask as he sways me to the music.

His brows furrow a little and shakes his head. “No.”

“But… What is it?” I ask, my heart thudding. There was something more.

“It’s nothing to worry about, I am not all- knowing. This is the third child that I actually never foresaw.” 5

My smile faded. “Is that a bad thing?”

He shakes his head and tugs at my cheeks as we come to a stop. “No, this child will be a force to be reckoned with…”

There was more, but he wasn’t saying it. It’s going to be ok right?” I ask softly.

He nods, glancing over at Alessandra who is having a conversation with Leo over a tattoo on his wrist.

“Yes, I never saw her either.” He smiles. softly, looking at his sister, and I exhale. 1

“Thank the goddess.” I sigh, feeling at ease. I see Dad walk over to Leo and Alessandra. Alessandra lingers for a moment before Skyla calls her. “Tonight i s a big night… I hope I can do it.” I look back at him and he nods.

“You’ll be fine. Just do what feels right.” He says with confidence.

I nod slowly.

“May I intrude?” Marcel asks and Dante nods.

“Oh, absolutely.” He winks as he steps. back.

“Mama Mari.” Dante says turning to the woman who stood to the side talking to some elder women of the pack. “You look beautiful tonight. Come on, let’s dance.”

I look at them. Maria looks gorgeous in a glittering emerald green gown. Kareena came to my mind, and I look away, feeling my heart squeeze.

‘She’s a strong woman.’ Marcel says through the link, startling me. Oh yes, same pack now.

‘She is…” I agree.

There was a time I used to wonder if Maria and Marcel could become chosen mates, but then with Leo and Rayhan’s issue, I never thought it was possible… I wonder if it was a possibility now…

Although she was clearly still in love with her mate who had left her. 1

‘What’s on your mind? I know that look.’ Marcel asks, as he spins me gently.

‘I was wondering if you ever thought to take a mate.’ I say bluntly. I hear his heart thud, his eyes flashing as he glances up sharply, looking off to the left for a split second.

I glance to the side, but there’s only Winona, Kiara and Delsanra standing there in their gorgeous black gowns. Winona looked stunning tonight; I was glad she got dressed up. She is part of this family and always will be.

‘No… I haven’t.’ Marcel replies quietly and I feel guilty for asking. 2

‘I’m sorry I-‘

‘Don’t apologise, there was nothing wrong with your question.’ He smiles as the song ends and I look at Leo. He’s talking to Dad, both men looking serious and their voices are low, blending in with the rest of the chatter. But I can tell from their expressions it’s a heavy conversation.

“I think that’s enough dancing. Take a break.” Marcel says leading me over to Leo and Dad.

“Finally, I presumed you forgot me.” Leo murmurs, yanking me close and kissing my lips.

‘Not like you came to find me.’ I shot back, despite melting into his kiss.

‘Had to try and not be so greedy, and let your army of relatives get a chance to dance with you.’ He replies huskily, slipping his tongue into my mouth. My pussy throbs and I press my legs together, trying not to moan since Dad was right there.

‘How thoughtful of you.” I reply as we break apart. “I love you.” I murmur, pecking his lips one final time, before I move back and glance at our fathers.

Marcel is smiling whilst Dad’s face is emotionless, despite the raised eyebrow.

“Get used to it.” I say to him and Leo smirks. “So, what were the two of you talking about?”

“Just telling Leo to take care of you.” Dad says, and Leo remains emotionless.

There was more to it, but neither said anything more and I cock a brow, deciding not to push it.

“I know it must be hard seeing her so grown up, but I will take care of her. I can’t replace you, but I will be a father to her.” Marcel promises Dad.

Dad nods. “I have no doubt about that.

You were there when she was placed in Scarlett’s womb.” He says quietly, and I look between them.

Leo’s dad had, after all, saved me before I was even born…

Kiara came over, and I smirk at the obvious hickeys on her neck.

“Are you up to something, Kia?” I ask innocently.


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