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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 107

106. Darkness


My eyes snap open and I feel nauseous. Damn… Something isn’t right… I didn’t even eat anything weird. I frown as I sit up. My heart is thumping as I look around the dark


What woke me up?

Why is it so dark?

It isn’t just dark, it’s really really dark.

Sure, I can see perfectly but there are no lights on outside. Strange. I kick the blanket off, wondering once more what had awoken

I glance at the clock. It’s late…

Did Leo get back?

‘Baby?’ I call, glancing at the bathroom –

but it’s dark.

I guess he won’t be back so soon. I hope

everything is going according to plan for


Running my fingers through my hair, I

reach for the lamp and tap it. I frown as it

doesn’t turn on…

“What is going on?” I murmur, trying to shake away the unease I’m feeling. It must be a power outage. Just a power outage


Damn, what if Corrado wakes up?

I get out of bed, walking toward the bedroom door. Suddenly I get the strange feeling that I’m being watched and I turn sharply, scanning the dark room.

Goddess, Azura, get it together.

I leave my room to check up on Corrado,

mind linking Marcel.


No response.

Hmm… He’s probably gone to sleep and kept

his walls up.


Nothing again.

I sigh, walking down the hall.

‘Marcel?’ Weird, usually you can push through a person’s barriers when they’re asleep… I knew that because since I got my wolf, Liam was always the biggest receiver of that from me.

Disturbing him for a late-night hot drink or freshly baked cupcakes was always tempting.

Who should I contact about the outage? Someone must be around. Should I go out and ask one of the guards? They are probably already working on it.

I pause, feeling that same sense of being watched, when I see Corrado’s bedroom

door is open. I break into a run, fear

enveloping me, and I push open the door only to see Corrado fast asleep in bed. I let out a sigh of relief, thinking I really am being paranoid.

For a moment, I feel lightheaded from the spurt of energy used and feel nauseous once again. I walk slowly to the bed, adjusting the duvet around my little boy. I sit down on the edge, sighing. I don’t know why I’m on edge, but maybe it’s the power outage… I mean, does this mean the pack security system and barriers around the pack are all down?

I stroke Corrado’s brown locks back, bending down to kiss his cheek gently. Turning to the open curtains, I look out into the distance. I can see some lights are on. So it’s just the mansion then. That is a relief at least.

Goddess, now who do I annoy about the power? I honestly didn’t expect Leo’s Pack to have to deal with something like this. Maybe I’ll grab my phone and ask him.

I stand up, and it feels like the floor lurches.

I feel… I place a hand on my stomach, exhausted and sick.

Exhausted like I had no energy… just the way I felt back at the masked ball I attended.

The sudden unease I had felt the moment I woke up returns and I scan the room. My instincts are telling me something isn’t right … Raising my hand, I let my power swirl around my hand. There is something going on here…

‘Marcel! Anyone!’ I slam through the link, but again, I’m just hitting a blank. “Fuck!” I


I need to grab my phone. I head to the door when I hear a scream down the hall, my

heart stops in my chest as I recognise that voice.


I rush to the door, but I freeze, looking back

at Corrado. I can’t leave him here! If there’s

an attack, what if something happens and I can’t get to him?”

What should I do? What is going on?

I hear sounds downstairs, but they are

partially muffled. But the growl of a wolf and

the bang that follows tells me this is an


My heart is pounding in between keeping Corrado safe and going to Winona. I hear footsteps coming down the hall and guilt fills me when I slowly shut the door.

I’m sorry Winona… I’m coming… Just give me a little time. I try my power again as I hear the footsteps fade, but I’m unable to summon it. My vision darkens and I stare at the window. Is it just me or did I see

someone out there?

But then I see it again, a shadowy silhouette behind the blinds, and I quickly hurry to the bed and grab Corrado, turning and running

to the door. The only thing in my mind is the instinct to protect him.

I unlock the door just as the window shatters behind us and Corrado wakes with a

whimper of shock.

“Wh-what’s happening Mommy?” He asks as I rush down the hall. I try to summon my power forward only to feel that heavy weight collapse down on me.


“Look, I need you to stay quiet, ok baby?” I whisper to Corrado.

“Why?” He asks, his little heart thumping as I hear the door to his bedroom slam.

“Azura!” Marcel’s strained voice comes.

“Marcel!” I shout, spinning around only to see that the hallway behind me is empty.

I shake my head, not knowing what to say, when I hear Marcel’s menacing growl erupt from downstairs.

What the hell is going on! Although I want to go down to Marcel, something tells me that I need to make sure Corrado is safe first. I can

feel my own strength ebbing away as it is.

Is something in the air?

I run down the hall to the office. There is a

hidden area that-

A huge figure steps into my path and I skid to a stop, almost slamming into the man. My heart thumps violently until I realise it’s Eric. 2



“Go help Marcel!”

“He sent me to help you. Come with me.” He says, motioning for me to follow him, but he

seems too calm…

Unease fills me and my gaze dips to his feet…

And I feel as if a bucket of ice-cold water has

been thrown over me.

Those can definitely be size 11… I look up at him, my mind spinning, but my face

remains calm, and I plaster a relieved smile on my face.

“I got alarmed when the electricity went off.” I say, trying to buy myself time to think.


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