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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 109

108. Time & Ten


Delsanra gasps, averting her gaze as she

covers her eyes and runs past me and

inside. Kiara is hot on her heels, also

diverting her gaze.

Like they haven’t fucking seen a dick

before… 1

At least I know that Dad is definitely in

safe hands.

“Put some fucking pants on.” Alejandro growls as he frowns at me. 3

I raise my eyebrow. With all the fucking shit going on… is that all he can think of?

“Why? Not feeling insecure, right?” I taunt coldly. If the fucking situation wasn’t so dire, I’d have said more. My

mind is screaming at me to find Azura, to

go after her.

He scoffs. “You fucking wish.

“Yeah, whatever. I’m going to shift; I

need to go after her. This one’s the

fucking traitor.” I say, kicking Eric once.

more when I reach the bottom of the


“Dante, Rayhan, and Raihana are

following the tracking device. Kiara gave Raihana a bracelet of Azura’s. They’ll try teleporting to her. In the meantime how about we find out why this fucker sold you the fuck out.” 2

As much as I wanted to go after her right now and I fucking would, Alejandro is right, we needed some answers… how

exactly Eric pulled this shit off was

fucking getting to me… How long had he planned this for?

I pull the pants on as Eric simply stares

into the distance. His jaw set tensely.

“So, who’s she?” Alejandro remarks,

glancing at Nikki, who is standing there

arms crossed.

“I’m Leo’s ex since Azura showed up. She says bluntly. Alejandro cocks a brow, looking between us, but says nothing.

“So was this because I was dating your mate?” I ask Eric quietly, trying to control my rage. Because of him, Azura is


He scoffs bitterly. “We found out we were mates years ago… but she always had her eyes on you. This isn’t because of one woman; she isn’t worth anything.” Eric sneers, “Karma has been served to her and in the end, even you dropped her.”

Nikki’s eyes flash as she glares at him with hurt and anger.

“You bastard.” She spits.

“Then why? Why did you fucking do this to me? Even Azura, you two were getting on, weren’t you?” I growl.

“Simply a façade.” Eric says calmly, “You can change your name, Leo, but you can’t change who your family are…”

I didn’t get it, I’ve always treated my people well… I am not the same… am I?

“But what have I done that hurt you, aside from what is Nikki’s fault? If I knew

you were her mate, I assure you I would never have gotten with her.” I say quietly. “All you had to do was approach me. But if this isn’t about her, then what? What

did I do?”

He still wears that uncaring, cold, contemptuous look on his face.

“What didn’t you do? You got everything the moment we left those caverns! There

was a huge difference between us and you

– a Rossi and the worst is you don’t even see how entitled you were… I wanted you all dead… every single one of you and that will happen.” He smirks, and I feel a wave of unease rush through me.

He keeps looking at the sky… almost as if expecting something.

My heart thuds as I step back. “You’ve planned something…”

He looks at me and smiles, that same

innocent warm smile of one of the men

that I trusted the most. Another one I just wasn’t good enough for… I tried to be the best leader I could be, I tried to do my fucking best…

“What have you planned?” I ask again.

“Maybe something I should have done ages ago. You all deserve to die for her sins, for what she did to us! She was your grandmother Leo. You all deserve to die

for her sins. And you will. As for this pack? It’s sick to think that a Rossi can lead us… how they even accepted her blood to lead us disgusts me! It’s always a Rossi who fucks us over! Endora! Rayhan! You!” 1

I look at him, realising that he is far too gone in his ways…

He looks off to the distance again, almost as if waiting for something.

Eric was always good with his gadgets, he could have easily hooked up one of the five’s phones, he must have been spying on us to be kept in the loop… but there is something else that Eric was always good at and enjoyed… something he stopped delving into about ten years ago, and that was explosives. 1

My eyes flash as clarity fucking hits me hard.

“You’ve…” I didn’t need to finish the

sentence for him to smile and chuckle.

Our eyes met, and we both know exactly what the other is thinking.

‘I want everyone to evacuate! Warriors

get everyone to the west side forest! Now. ‘I command through the link, reaching some of my people. ‘Pass the message on immediately. This is a fucking code red! We need to clear out. NOW! Ace, wire up

to every fucking building and house in

this pack. I need everyone out!’ I shout.

My mind is spinning. Eric is calm though as although he is captured he didn’t plan to make it out of this alive. He is prepared

for this to be the end… His end.

“Explosives.” I growl at him.

“Always the smart one, but this time you

were just not smart enough. You are too late…” He laughs,

“You’re fucking dead.” Alejandro growls, advancing on him.

“Yeah, we all are.” Eric replies, and that’s when I hear it, the huge explosion on the north side of the Pack. My eyes blaze brightly as flames erupt sky high,

illuminating the dark skies and I see

pieces of debris blast everywhere. Nikki’s

scream pierces the air and my heart

thumps when I feel several pack links


People died. My people…

“Fuck you, Eric!” I snarl murderously,

fear and pain enveloping me. Innocent

lives are being lost…

Alejandro’s growl rips through the air. ” I’ll go there.” He says before he shifts

and runs off.

“How do I deactivate it!” I roar at Eric,

grabbing him by his collar again, just as

Kareena, Winona, Dad, Delsanra and Kiara step out of the house.

“I’ll go help!” Kiara exclaims, spotting the fire.

Delsanra nods, and just then Dad steps forward. He’s a bloody mess but he’s healed… “Me too. We need to get

everyone out immediately.” Dad says. You deal with Eric, son… I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect them.”


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