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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 11

11. My Life


Night had fallen and I couldn‘t sleep. Something about seeing her again was fucking with my mind...

It was one of the rare fucking days I was able to get home before midnight and just crash, but yeah, isn‘t going to happen.

I frowned, pushing the thought away as I looked down at the Sangue territory from my apartment window. The glittering lights in the windows of the building were a reminder of how far we had come from the caverns we once resided in. The mini town was not only a sign of our prosperity, but it was proof of advancement. Not to mention it was pretty easy on the eyes, with modern buildings, high–tech security, and packed with everything my people needed to thrive in this world. The Sangue Pack... One would not think that we were once a pack of rogues, who had been raised and forced to serve one of the most psychotic evil monsters of all time. Living in torment, fear, and abuse, left its mark on us all, marks that didn‘t just vanish overnight.

We had the highest number of people suffering from PTSD. Memories of torture and terror didn‘t just leave us... Even the few who agreed to have their memories removed didn‘t feel as settled as they hoped. Some things just didn‘t go away... The dreams that haunted my nights still remained; the abuse, the torture, the fear.. They didn‘t just go away. I grew up thinking maybe I was fucking weak to not be able to deal with it... but then I realised it was part of who I was, what helped shape me into the man I am today.

Even if people couldn‘t fucking stand me, I don‘t care. My pack was my priority, and although we were one family, I still made sure that each one of them was able to fend for themselves and would be able to live alone if the need ever came. We needed no one else.

A Pack that I ran, yet I did not hold the official title... A title that Marcel, my father, held. In fear of my views, he refused to hand it over to me, instead taking the side of his family, staying true to his vow that unless I yielded to the council and found my mate, only then will he deem me worthy as the Alpha. I would never bow down to the King‘s council, like a coward, I wouldn‘t lie. That title will be mine. The last time we talked before he went on holiday I had told him he needed to let me take over but still, he refused... He wanted me to find my mate, saying only she could guide me and get rid of the hatred within me... Hatred... I don‘t really know if I felt it anymore... I felt... numb to it all.

There were only a few things that made me feel anything. 2

But soon... I was planning to force his hand, until he passed that title to me. I had proven my fucking worth. I was not a child who would obey his dictatorship.

As for a mate... Fuck, I did not want to become the fucking slave to a woman, but when I saw her in that club... I had lost control. She had been so fucking appealing, I had been in a meeting when I had noticed her from one of the rooms. I was with Nikki, and I hadn‘t planned on having fun, didn‘t mean I couldn‘t enjoy the view... but then that same sexy doll had turned out to be my fucking mate.

And the sex... Well if the mark wasn‘t proof of how fucking good she felt and tasted, then I don‘t know what was. At that moment, I wanted to make her mine forever. Meant to be mine fucking forever... but she turned out to be none other than a Westwood

Fuck that. Her father was one of the Elite Eleven, a title that was unofficially given to the strongest Alphas in the country. And then they act like they aren‘t fucking elite. Pricks.

When I had found her last night, it had been a fucking coincidence. We were heading home from a certain trade I had to take care of when I had seen a wolf running through the trees, but it didn‘t look normal, and so we had followed it.

No matter how much I hated the elite, it didn‘t mean I was going to let someone die... even if she wasn‘t my mate... I hated the odd pull of our broken bond, the fear for her wellbeing as I carried her to my car, driving as fast as I fucking could to get her back here unnerved me. 1

I hated the feeling... 1

She shouldn‘t be here... I didn’t need her to fuck anything up. I agreed to a few weeks and I needed her fucking gone fast, and whilst she was here, I would ignore her... But I still wanted to know exactly how she had ended up with that rabid wolf. Only she had the answers, and although I fucking don‘t care, I still wanted to know... I was certain there was someone else there... I smelt no one... but there had been footprints... my men confirmed that. I even tried to get the data from her broken phone to see what she was up to out there, but the entire thing had been damaged in the fight. 1

I‘ll still get something out of it, it would just take a while longer, since the acid from the WB12 had damaged the circuit board. 1

It didn‘t happen on my territory and I know it shouldn‘t bother me, that I should just let it go, but the poison bothered me.

A flare of anger and irritation rushed through me at the storm of emotions that ran through me, and I lit a cigarette, taking a long drag. Just then the sound of soft footsteps padding on the marble floors reached me, and Nikki‘s scent filled my nose. A smell that always appealed to me, yet it didn‘t compare to hers...

“Hey, you have been working for three days straight. Today you‘re home. Come on, let‘s get to bed.” She wrapped her arms around my waist, her hand caressing my abs as it dipped down to the band of my pants. “Come on, Leo.”

She kissed my neck as I smoked my cigarette, slipping her hand into my pants and massaging my cock.

“I‘m not tired.” I replied quietly, despite the pleasure that rushed through me at her touch, I was far too occupied. “Then how about some fun?” She kissed my neck sensually. “Not in the mood.” She sighed and let go of me. “Leo.” She had my attention, but she didn‘t speak. Instead, she sighed in frustration.”



“Can you look at me when I‘m talking to you?! What is going on? You‘ve been so distracted for the last few weeks; it‘s getting to me. Don‘t tell me it‘s that same woman you cheated on me with!” Her brown eyes filled with irritation and accusation. Pain clear in her voice.

My eyes flashed dangerously, and I glared coldly at her. I had showered that night, washing away every memory of Azura, but it didn‘t take away the marks that she had left on my body. Marks she had seen. “Do not fucking question me! What I do has nothing to do with you. As for your petty worries, I haven‘t seen her again, nor is she on my mind. It was one fucking mistake. I won‘t see her again. She‘s fucking no one.” My anger was rising, and I glared out of the window. 2

“You better be telling the truth, since then I feel we don‘t even have sex as often as before!”

“We fucked yesterday.” I growled “Three days ago. Not yesterday.” She corrected me. 3 “I‘m not fucking counting.” I replied dangerously, turning and grabbing her throat. Her eyes flashed gold but her heart was beating as she stared at me with a flicker of fear and desire.

“I just mean it‘s not the same... It hurt knowing you cheated on me Leo, I‘m trying my best to keep us together. To get over this...” She whispered, her gaze turning to my lips.

I took a drag on my cigarette, letting go of her.

“I‘ve been busy. If you want to walk, Nikki, walk. I won‘t hold it against you.”

“We‘ve been together for over two years, Leo... this change is scaring me.” She exclaimed in frustration and desperation. “I forgave you for cheating on me–” 5 “Forgave me?” My eyes flashed dangerously as I glared at her.

Dressed in nothing but a red satin gown, she looked perfect, and I knew exactly what she hid behind that tiny piece of fabric. With black hair, light brown eyes, sexy curves and slightly on the petite side, Nikki was a piece of candy that only a fool would deny. She was only three years younger than me, the ideal age gap...

She was smart, level–headed, and she was fucking good in bed, or so I thought until I had the taste of something I never should have. If Nikki was good... the fucking psycho on the floor beneath us was fucking euphoric. 2

I hated her, from her large dazzling blue eyes, those plump lips that were so fuckable, and glossy black hair which looked unreal. She was– 3 “Leo! You‘re doing it again, can you even hear what I’m saying?!” Nikki yelled, cutting off the train of thought that I fucking hated. “Leo, I am so fucking.” The sound of a door opening, and the sound of small feet, reached my ears. I clamped my hand over Nikki‘s mouth, warning her to stay silent. I turned just as Corrado came into view, removing my hand. His brown hair was a tousled mess, and his hazel eyes were full of sleep. “Daddy?” He rubbed his eyes. “Why are you shouting?” ‘I warned you, do not give me fucking shit when he‘s around. Get the fuck out of my sight.‘

She looked at me before nodding tersely and walking back towards my bedroom, and I strode over to my five–year–old. 8

“What‘s wrong with Nikki?” He asked me innocently.

I crouched down, ruffling his hair.

“Women. They are pretty crazy. We were just having a debate over football, you know, she‘s a Man U fan.” I replied quietly. 1

I didn‘t want his life to ever have problems....

He chuckled before hugging me.

“Oh no, wrong team! So when did Daddy come home?” He asked. 1

I wrapped my arms around him.

“Not long ago. You were asleep, so I didn‘t disturb you.” I replied, standing up and lifting him onto my shoulder.

He grinned, holding on tight. I paused to stub out my cigarette before heading to his room.

“I tried to stay awake but Jackie said I should sleep. I want Grandad to come home, I get bored. Will you have a day off soon?”

A roar of pure rage rang through the phone. “How dare you kill my son! I made the mistake, not him! I asked for forgiveness!”


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