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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 111

110. My Resilience


He means Endora.

“Endora…” I say slowly.

Judah nods, “She was always power hungry … but she didn’t just talk the talk, she walked the walk. Endora was always like that.” He seems impressed by her.

Why is he talking about her as if he knew her?

“So, are you saying those with darkness in them can open this cave?” I ask. 1

“With her essence and yes, darkness, well done, Pet. You are learning well. Your so- called man was also one of her chosen vessels, but unlike them, he was conflicted, and that conflict was the reason his body began rejecting the darkness. He had too much good in him to hold that power.

Despite his bitterness and hatred, he still held light. I saw the strain that rejecting the darkness took on him on that rooftop when we fought…”

So that was it? The experiments she had done on Leo were to place her power inside of him as a backup… and his body had rejected it.

Judah continued, as his eyes skim over my barrier. “I saw that he was dying, and I hoped he’d die before I came for you, but you had to go heal him, didn’t you?” His anger and resentment grow, and he glares at my stomach. “You belong to me, yet you betrayed me. You let another man fuck you and impregnate you.”

“I belong to Leo. I am pregnant with my mate’s child.” I snap coldly, turning my head so he can see my mark. The crescent moon, with flames behind it, stars and a lotus. “Isn’t this proof enough?”

“Well, I’d like to see how he lives without you because your time is running out. Then again, he’ll be dying soon too.” He says darkly as he turns back to the table. “Those two gave me enough information for me to know Leo Rossi’s weaknesses.”

I frown, thinking about what he said about Emmet and Eric.

“He has none.” I snarl.

“Doesn’t he? He has many.” Judah shoots back menacingly. “The man who cares for his pack so dearly… I wonder if he’s coming for you or trying to protect the pack that is currently going up in flames duethats to the bombs placed there by Eric. At least he was useful before he ends up dead, if he isn’t dead already.”

My heart thunders as I stare at him.

“Why harm the innocent!” I shout, fearing for the lives of my pack members.

“Because I told you to come to me and you didn’t!” He shoots back.

We glare back at each other, and I have to tell myself that Leo will find the bombs and hopefully come for us soon…

Judah was pure selfish, he really didn’t care about anyone but himself, speaking of Eric so casually. Not that I could forgive Eric anyway.

“How did you ever meet the Garrons? What did you offer Emmet and Eric in return for their help?” I ask, trying not to show my burning rage.

“Power. They would rule that pack and I’d take care of the Alpha and his son. I’m not

interested in werewolves and their packs. I just want power, a different kind of power.”

“Werewolves? Why talk about us as if you aren’t one of us?” I know he isn’t one, but I wanted to know what he is.

“Because I’m not.” He tilts his head and smirks.

“And what are you then?” I ask coldly.


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