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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 113

113. The Cave


I turn when Raihana, Delsanra and Liam show up, and a part of me wonders why Dante didn’t come inside the caverns; I have a strong feeling it is something to do with the balance or some shit. He has kept a lot of Judah’s men at bay. From the mind link, I know there are more than just werewolves out there.

I push the thoughts away as Liam places his hand on the entrance in front of us and the other two read the inscriptions.

“It’s several sealing spells… from what I can make out, and what we know is, only those with Endora’s powers within them can unlock it…” Delsanra murmurs with a frown.

A wave of power radiates off Liam, and I feel it hit back, forcing us all back. He jerks his hand back, and I can feel his anger. “Even last time it repelled me…” He murmurs in frustration.

“Well then, how about you leave this to the ladies.” Raihana says, winking at Liam, as she steps forward.

“Of course. Go right ahead.” He says, stepping back and letting her pass.

“I’m her descendant, maybe it’ll work,” Raihana remarks, touching the stone. She frowns, but I feel the same force push us back, although it’s less this time. She mutters a curse before wrinkling her nose and brushing her hand clean.

Delsanra frowns. “But you don’t really hold Endora’s powers… I cut that tether. There has to be a way.”

“Obviously. Judah’s in there, Azura’s scent is faint, but I smelt it, they’re here.” I say, my eyes falling on something on the floor.

I crouch down, my heart racing when I pick up a chain that is half covered in dust and dirt. I brush it off and stand up. It’s broken, as if it had been torn from her neck in the struggle, but it’s the exact same necklace Azura was wearing before I left her for the takeover.

“Is it hers?” Liam asks quietly. I nod, clenching my jaw and slip it into my pocket.

There’s hope and there’s fucking pain. We are close, yet so fucking far.

“No harm in trying, but if we need Endora’s actual power and that’s the case, then how did Judah get in there? How about we try to use force? How damn strong was she? Like she’s been dead for decades, can she just stop being a damn nuisance?!” Raihana says with frustration, stepping back before she begins chanting something. Runes begin glowing along her hands and arms, and her hair is floating around her. 2

Delsanra takes a deep breath, and I see her shift, it isn’t a big change, as her cheekbones become more refined, her lashes are thicker, and she looks… prettier. Her eyes are bright red and her nails have grown. 2

Power radiates off both women as Liam raises his own hand, a blue aura blasting from his hands and at the door. All three powers mix as they focus on the entrance.

I frown as I scan the area. The entire ceiling and walls are shaking. Whatever is going up there, was affecting the entire foundation of this place.

We need to move fast. How did Judah get in there? He didn’t have that kind of power, so how…

There has to be a fucking way.

The runes and engravings on the stone seem to emanate a dark energy. I can feel it, the potent evil of this place. I scan the entrance. once again, wondering if Judah knows we are here. Would he try to harm her further?

I’m waiting, on fucking edge, fearing the pain that may return if he harms Azura.

Focus Leo…

I crouch down, looking at the runes along the bottoms. A certain inscription at the bottom catches my attention. I frown. Was that there moments ago?

“Can either of you read what it says right here?” I ask, pointing to it.

Raihana glances at me, her eyes blazing.

“That wasn’t there…” She says, her power eases up before she crouches down. “The key is within the darkness.”

The women exchange looks, “Any spell come to mind?” Delsanra asks, both frowning when Liam tilts his head and snaps his fingers.

“Witches tend to lack at solving standard riddles… what if we need to think outside of the box?” He suggests, as Raihana looks at him sharply.

“Poorly disguised insult.” She says haughtily, standing up.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you, but what if the message at the bottom is an actual statement and not a spell.” Liam says, but what he said made sense and I zone them out.

“Maybe it’s something else that we need…. Not Endora’s powers…” I cut in.

“What do you mean?” Delsanra asks.

“The key lies within the darkness. What if that is literally the answer? Judah got in. He is a fucking evil bastard. Maybe it’s those who have darkness within them who can open this shit?” I say, each passing moment feeling like years. I need to get to them.

“Darkness…” Delsanra says and nods. “My demon side… maybe it will work!”

The entire place rumbles again, and I faintly hear an explosion in the distance.

“And maybe I can somehow help… there is darkness within me.” I say quietly. We all have it… and I had let mine fester for years… sure I have let it go now, but it still remains.

“Let’s try.” Liam says. This time Raihana doesn’t join in, and I place my hand on the stone. Instead of forcing their power at it this time both Liam and Delsanra place their hands on the stone on either side of me.

I close my eyes trying to draw on the darkest, most bitter thoughts inside of me. The anger and resentment I had built over the years, I let it come up, trying to remember the anger, not the reasoning that Azura helped me see. Liam snarls and I feel a force slam him back.

“Join the club…” Raihana murmurs.

“There’s darkness within me, though.”

Liam says, frowning. 1

“Hmm, maybe just not enough…” Raihana replies quietly.

Nothing seems to be happening. I frown in concentration, forcing my aura at the wall, as Delsanra’s power coats it in a thick layer and just when I think nothing is going to happen, I hear the rumble of the rock.

At the same time, I feel the power from the left. From the corner of my eye, I see

Raihana and Liam step forward both with their power at the ready as a group of werewolves run at them.

A powerful explosion makes the ceiling shake violently, dirt and stones raining down on us.

“Be careful that the place doesn’t collapse. Go easy on the power!” Delsanra cries as the entire wall shudders and we both move back as the entrance begins to open.

I glance back at Liam and Raihana to see them engaging with the wolves,

“You two get inside!” Liam growls as suddenly an explosion goes off and his blue aura swirls around us like a shield, I run inside but before Delsanra can follow, a dark flash of smoke rushes past me and I hear a gasp before the wall slams shut. 1


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