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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 115

115. A Proposal


A few weeks have passed since that night, and everything is falling into place. But there were also several important things that we had to do in the past few weeks, from the rebuilding of parts of the pack that were damaged to the funerals of those who passed away, and being there for the families of those who had lost someone.

Construction wise everything is fixed, but the mark that the attack left on this pack would remain…

I had also delayed choosing my beta and delta at my own ceremony, because I was torn between who to pick. I had a few options or five, should I say. Although I had told Dad that I would announce them soon after everything that had happened, it had been delayed, but tomorrow, I am holding a small assembly where I will make the announcement.

“Ready?” I ask Jax, taking one last drag on my cigarette before putting it out.

He runs his fingers through his hair, as we both look at the door to Shane’s house. “No, but let’s get this shit over with. She won’t take it well.”

Yeah, we both fucking knew that… After her surge of strength on the night of the attack, she had returned to her quiet state. I had given her a few simple tasks to do, after everything with Judah had happened, and she had carried them out perfectly. However, since things were normal again, she had once again confined herself to her house.

But it showed that she did have the strength to live on and rebuild her life.

I knock on the door, at the same time Jax rings the doorbell. We exchange looks, but it’s not long before the door is pulled open by Kareena. She’s just showered, her hair still wet and she’s dressed in one of Shane’s shirts and a pair of leggings. Yeah, it isn’t fuckin easy to get over your mate…

“Alpha, Jax… Everything ok? I wasn’t expecting visitors.” She says.

“Is that your way of saying we aren’t welcome?” Jax asks, cocking a brow.

“Do I get the option to refuse?” She asks, before looking at me, “Come on in.”

Yeah, I’m not sure this is going to work…

There are bags under her eyes as she leads the way to the lounge. I can tell it’s not been used. Guess she is still spending most of her time in her room. She doesn’t sit, simply crossing her arms as she leans against the fireplace.

‘Clearly wants us gone fast.’ Jax says through the link, smirking.

‘Don’t piss her off then.’ I say, sitting back. ”

There’s something we want to talk to you about. Mind taking a seat.”

An indirect order that I knew she won’t disobey. She brushes her hair back and takes a seat on the sofa opposite us. But she’s on edge, almost as if not trusting us.

“What’s this about?” She asks.

“About you. You’re not holding up great, and I know that living without your mate isn’t fucking easy. I know how it feels thinking you’d rather die than be without them… I get that, and I can’t fucking imagine losing Azura… So I won’t say I get your pain, because only you can fucking explain that.” I look down, knowing no matter how much I tried to imagine it, nothing compares to actually losing your mate.

“Someone I know once said, and I quote… that losing my mate is like living in darkness. The pain of going another day without them feels like a terrifying eternity that never ends. The sky no longer shines. with the sun and the night is devoid of its sparkling stars. The warmth on my skin feels empty, and the smile and laughter of those around me is something I can no longer understand… My sun and stars are gone, and my heart yearns for one more touch, one more promise, one more moment … but there is nothing. Just the hollow feeling of being a shell with no purpose…’

I glance over at her and she’s looking down.

I can’t see her face, but I know she’s in tears as I continue. “But we humans are selfish…

We want our loved ones to live on without their mates… because deep down we know that those mates who are gone would never want you to live like this. They would want to see you happy…”

“What do you want Leo?” She asks me now, looking up at me and I see it, the raw pain that she’s in, the pain she’s fighting to squash.

“We… I have a proposition for you.” Jax says. I glance over at him. He’s serious now and Kareena looks at him. “I know that

Shane is not replaceable, and this isn’t to replace him, but to give you a tether to hold on to, so you can live your life and make

Shane proud.” She frowns, but she’s listening. “Tell me Kar, you knew Shane better than any of us. He would want you to live on, right?” Jax continues.

She doesn’t reply, but we both know that that is a fucking fact.

“Obviously he would.” I say. “And that’s why here’s the proposal. Let Jax mark you, so it eases the pain.”

Jax glances at me and I know it was pretty straight up, but there is no way to sugarcoat that shit. Kareena didn’t react. She’s simply staring at me, as if trying to comprehend what I just said. 2

A tension settles in the room and Kareena’s heart begins thudding. I guess it sank in…

“Are you two for real?” She asks, a hurt expression in her eyes.

“If you think of it in a logical manner-” Jax began.


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