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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 120

119.The Blood Moon


I enter pack grounds, driving slowly as I look up at the Blood Moon. Things always feel a little lonely on a Blood Moon… I sigh heavily, looking at the bags in the passenger side of the car and smile slightly. 1

I have been over at Alejandro’s pack today and Kiara has given me plenty of things for Azura. She is very excited about the baby’s

arrival, however, Azura hadn’t wanted

everyone to come, not wanting everyone fussing over her. Telling her family to come

once she’s in labour if they must.

She’s going to have the baby soon; she’s been getting pains on and off for the last few days and I can’t wait to hold my grandchild in my hands. I don’t remember much about Leo as a child, and with Leo not really allowing me as much time with Corrado, I missed out on the newborn stage,

something I am looking forward to.

Although I don’t think I’ll be very good with

newborns. 5

I glance back at the bags on the seat next to me, deciding to stop at Leo’s and drop these off first. I need to ask if there’s anything

they need me to do for when Elijah and

Scarlett come down tomorrow.

With Leo as Alpha, life is peaceful, but at the same time, it’s a little empty… I have far too

much time on my hands now… These are the times I do wish I had someone by my side, and then there’s a certain someone that I

can’t seem to get out of my mind. 3

She cares… I saw that when I nearly died… but perhaps those feelings just aren’t strong enough. I don’t even know what I want.

She’s young and may meet her mate. She clearly doesn’t want me, so why am I still going over this? 3

It irritates me.

I park up outside the villa, deciding to go on foot from here. I walk around to the other side, grabbing the bags from the car.

“Alpha Marcel.” The guard greets from his post at the gates.

“Charles.” I greet him with a nod.

“The Alpha and Luna are not in.” He says as he holds out the scanner pad and I place my hand on it. Leo is extremely careful with

security, and I don’t blame him. Not after what happened last time.

“That’s fine. I just have some things I’ll leave inside for them.” I say and he nods as the gates open, and I step through them, heading up to the house. I reach the front door, entering the passcode, and scan my thumb.

I would rather not ring the doorbell. I look at the time on my watch, it’s late… past eleven and I know Rosaline will be in her own

quarters by now, Corrado will be asleep and

Winona… Well, I don’t think she’d want to

see me.

I shut the door after me quietly; I haven’t seen her for at least three weeks… the only time I saw her was when she brought

Corrado home from school when I came

down one of the times and that was only through the window, since he had come into the lounge by himself. Otherwise, she avoids

me like the damn plague.

I’ll just leave them here; I don’t really want to mind link them at this time of night. I walk down the hallway, deciding to place

them against the wall where no one can trip over them. With Azura pregnant, she needs to be careful. I place the bags on the ground, about to turn away, when a faint delicious

scent fills my nose. 11

I tense, turning sharply as I stare down the hallway. My entire body seems to go into overdrive, and I find myself sniffing the air.

The intoxicating scent… the pull… This

reminds me of the mate bond… When I had

found Petra…

My eyes blaze and I’m no longer in charge

as my wolf surges forward like a beast on the

prowl. I need to find that scent… 2

My heart races as I walk down the hall, the

scent getting stronger. It’s a little familiar yet so intense and delicious I can’t pinpoint it. The kitchen lights are on, and the smell is

even more amplified here. I enter the

kitchen, my eyes blazing gold as they land on the delicate frame behind the counter,

making a cup of tea.

Her eyes fly open and for the first time since

I’ve known her, her eyes dazzle a brilliant honey topaz shade. 1

“Mine.” I snarl, unable to stop myself. The word rings in the large kitchen, overriding the thundering of our hearts. 6

She gasps, the spoon falling from her

delicate fingers as she stares at me in shock.

Her eyes return to normal as she backs


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