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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 125

125. Plans for the Future


The room is silent as they all seem to take in what I’m saying. Azura has taken a seat next to me and she’s feeding under a thin linen blanket. I’ve already told her of these plans.

Alejandro nods slowly as he massages his jaw.

“That’s actually a good fucking idea. The academy students don’t actually mix with those from the other academies, correct?” You have four. I think implementing national game competitions would be a good idea. Including fighting competitions. Archery, Mixed martial arts, weapons, it would be fun and give them the incentive to try harder for a title.” I say.

“Isn’t that similar to the Alpha Gen X games?” Liam asks, frowning.

‘Jayce is into them…’ Azura explains through the link. ‘A bit of a touchy subject with Liam.’

“Kinda.” I reply to Liam as Raven leaves the room. “It’s in our nature to fight, the hunger and satisfaction in fighting… We need to channel that, to show them we aren’t only fighting for when the need arises but as a sport too.”

“I guess this would be a good idea for those who are interested in that kind of thing.”

Liam says with a nod.

“You seem to have a lot of ideas for children.

I’ve heard of your work with orphanages, werewolves and humans.” Elijah says and I glance at Azura, who is looking anywhere but at me.

So she’s the one who told her Dad that. That suspicious pout of hers gives that shit away.

“Nothing worth mentioning. However, our youth need normalcy, to be able to use the internet without worrying about their search histories, to be able to access information on our species too.” I say diverting the topic.

“That would take a lot of money and investment. Do you want to put the idea forward to the council? Or ask for investors?

I can assure you, you will get the funding needed.” Alejandro asks.

“I have the finances,” I say, a lot more than you think.

“Hmm.” Alejandro responds.

“Your work has always been rather secret; I’m assuming you’re changing fields now?” Elijah asks, his sharp cerulean eyes watching

“Not entirely, but I aim to expand in other areas including the distribution of my healing serum.” I say. “I will continue to produce certain arms, but it will be only for times of absolute need, they will not be up for distribution.” I reply, the kids are still here, and I do not plan to go into this shit in front of them.

“Well, it seems you know exactly what you are doing. The internet… pharma… schools… I think you have it all covered.” Alejandro says.

“I do love the idea of games between the schools. Apart from training and for gym purposes, there aren’t really any competitions, it’s just the usual grading and ranking for exam results. I think that would definitely be something the students will enjoy.” Kiara agrees. “I know Sky would.”

“So that’s the plan. I don’t plan to have the schools run by the… influential packs, but by those who fit the job description. Inclusive schools. No offence Alejandro, but your schools are all tied to the elite packs. Even those who are teachers come from the strongest packs.”

Alejandro frowned. “You have a point, but we need those who would be capable of handling things if shit goes down.”

“True, but if you’re going to try to treat it like a military camp, that is what it will fucking become. Kids need to live as if they belong, that they can be themselves without having forces in place to be kept in line, however, I do get that things can get out of control, so you need to just find that balance.”

“Interesting points of view.” Scarlett says.

“Similar yet different. I understand both.” Raven says.

“So, like, can I join your school?” Alessandra adds.

“If you want to.” I say placing my arm around Azura’s shoulders and kissing the top of her head.

“Well, I’ve got to say, with that drive, maybe I can retire. Wanna take over?” Alejandro jokes, looking over at us. 1

I raise an eyebrow. “No thanks, but what’s wrong? Scared of a little competition?” I counter although I know he’s kidding.

He smirks back. “I’m actually looking forward to seeing exactly what you do.”

“And what does Azura want to do?” Liam asks, glancing at his sister.

I smirk slightly. We had this conversation. Once Phoenix is a little older, Azura wants to join the trackers.

“I’m going to follow my dreams, too.” She says to Liam, who nods with approval.

Raven returns with a tray of hot drinks and a Victoria sponge cake, as well as some blondies and brownies.

“Ah, did you two make these?” Azura asks, looking at Liam and Kiara.

Liam nods, giving her a small smile as Kiara smiles.

“Yes, we did. It was kind of fun to get back in the kitchen together.” She says as she gets up to plate cake for everyone.

“I like Uncle’s cake.” Alessandra says.

Well, if that cake gets her approval, it’s probably decent.

“What would you all like?” Kiara asks as she passes a cake slice to Alessandra and motions Katara and Corrado over.

“A blondie please.” Katara says.

“Can I have one of everything, please?” Corrado asks.

“Oh, of course, you can.” Kiara replies, giving them what they asked for.


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