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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 131

Beautiful Bond Ch 4. Rage


I let go of her. I can’t be the one to push her any further when I know how she feels. If there’s anything she does hold for me, then she needs to be the one to make the next move. 1

She hesitates, her heart pounding as she stands there, her back to me. I couldn’t control myself seeing her, especially

when she is dressed like that. I had to tell her…

I didn’t miss the looks she got from some of the single men in attendance, and it riled me up. Her dress is tasteful, with just a hint of cleavage on show, whilst tantalisingly displaying her smooth back. I can’t blame anyone for checking her out when she really is such a beauty. Just like when I first noticed her in that black dress

I’ve never been able to look at her the same since.

“Thank you.” She says, glancing at me before she turns and walks away. 1

I sigh, hearing the sound of her heels receding, before I head after her myself and back to the party.

I have a feeling she was upset regarding my conversation with Kristina. Kristina and I have been friends for years and although we have occasionally hooked up. When I realised she was beginning to develop feelings for me, I ended it entirely and it has been a couple of years.

I didn’t mix with the she-wolves of this pack often and with Kristina, well; she didn’t really live on pack territory half the time.

I return to the party and grab myself an iced drink. I’m frustrated, in more ways than one, but I’m trying not to let it show.

I walk over to where Leo is standing to the side smoking, watching Azura and Corrado dancing.

I’m truly proud of the man he has become. Even now he appears cold, but behind those piercing blue eyes, are endless emotions.

“He’s enjoying the party.” I say, stopping by Leo’s side as I watch Corrado smile happily as he dances with his mother.

“When doesn’t that kid like attention?”

I chuckle. “He’s getting big. I can’t believe he’s already six.”

“Yeah. Time fucking flies.” Leo says, and I don’t miss the way he gets distracted by Azura.

To think these two went through so much to get to where they are now…

Everyone’s having a good time, the chatter and the laughter creating that pleasant buzz. However, when I hear someone call Winona, I instantly hone in on it.

“Winona! Wow, I didn’t even recognise you. You look beautiful.”

My eyes flash, and I instantly scan the garden until I see none other than Leo’s friend Li Sheng. He is standing there, arms crossed as he leans against the counter where MY mate is standing, looking flustered.

I clench my jaw, trying not to react.

They’re just talking… Forcing my gaze elsewhere, I’m unable to stop myself

i in carrying on listening.

“Thank you. You look handsome, too. I love that shirt.”

I cock a brow, really?

My gaze flicks back to Li Sheng. He’s wearing some oriental print shirt which is half unbuttoned and the way he’s smiling at her… Yeah, they look good together, but that just irks me.

“Want to dance?” He asks her.

“Ah no thank you!” She says quickly.

“Oh, come on, it’ll be fun,” He says, leaning closer he whispers something in her ear, but thanks to the sudden rise in the volume of the music I don’t hear her reply, but I do see her blush as she looks away shyly.


I can’t focus on Leo, feeling my anger pling around me. She’s shaking her head, but he still takes her wrist, encouraging her towards the dance floor.

What irks me is she’s about to give in. This is the fucking reason I’m not pushing her. After all, I want her to want me not to be fucking forced into something or coaxed into it because I know what she’s like.

She gives a small smile and tilts her head to refuse him, but he cuts her off, pointing towards Azura and Corrado as he leads her onto the dance floor. 1

I clench my fists; my anger feels like a fucking pressure cooker, and I’m fuming. She’s too flustered to even notice as she tries to refuse Li Sheng gently. I’m not sure when I start moving until I’m in front of them.

“She said no.” I snarl, ripping his hand off her wrist and moving her behind me.

Lineng smiles slightly as if he’s done nothing wrong, only angering me more. She’s just shy, we’re really ok, right Winona?”

“I don’t care. From where I stood, she didn’t look comfortable.” I snarl.

He seems to pause before he exhales. ” Well, she’s just playing hard to get, I’m sure we-” 2

“She’s mine, so stay the hell away!” I growl, grabbing him by the collar when Leo is suddenly there, his hand gripping my wrist. 2

The music is the only sound now playing as silence falls and everyone is watching

“Dad, calm down.” He says quietly, but his attention is on someone else. I turn to see Azura standing there. Her eyes are wide and she’s pouting slightly, and I in ntly realise what’s going on…

This was Azura’s plan. I let go of Li Sheng, who lowers his head to me and Leo sighs, taking a drag on his cigarette.

“I’m sorry.” Winona whispers, but before I can even turn, I hear her leave.

“Carry on and excuse us for a couple of moments.” I say, hating how we have an audience, thinking I had just announced to everyone that she’s mine… and obviously have feelings for her, which isn’t a lie, but I didn’t need anyone to know…

“Us?” Azura says, pulling a face.

“Yes,” I reply pointedly. “And she really needs to learn to stop running.” I growl, walking off the dance floor.

Leo shakes his head as Li Sheng motions for Corrado to come with him. He’s amused but also by the look of surprise he P ayed on his face. It’s clear he didn’t know who exactly he was pissing off by talking to Winona…

Azura blows him a kiss with an apologetic look, and I shake my head.

I lead the way inside and the two follow

Crossing my arms, I turn when Leo shuts the door after him. Azura has her hands clasped in front of her and she genuinely looks guilty and rather sad. Leo kisses her shoulder before he turns his gaze to me.

“I was only trying to help… I’m sorry but

I mean, you and Winona did the same to Leo and I.” Azura says looking up at me, I frown but something about the sad look in those innocent eyes of hers, makes me massage my temples. How can I scold her, when she didn’t have bad intentions. 8

I glance at Leo, who is watching her sceptically with a raised brow. 2

She was only trying to help. I have to remember she’s only twenty, she’s still young and as she said, we did try to put her and Leo together. She wasn’t doing anything different. She looks down sadly, blinking those eyes as she waits for me to continue, and I see Phoenix in her. I sigh again, shoving my hands into my pockets.

“Ok fine. Just don’t do that again, the entire pack will now know that I have a thing for my grandchildren’s Nanny…” I mutter.

Her face lightens up as she smiles rather deviously, and for a moment I wonder if the previous apology was just an act… 6


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