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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 22

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 22 – Shaken


I knew something was f*****g up, but I wasn‘t expecting this… And the fact that the b*****d somehow managed to get away… I didn‘t see him leave the f*****g car. I don‘t know how, but he seemed to have just f*****g vanished. Unless… he wasn‘t in the car to start with… 3

Blackmailing her with s*x tapes.

That f*****g triggered me. I don‘t care if she was a f*****g princess or not, right now she was someone who needed help.1

Why the f**k was she dealing with this s**t alone?

On top of that, somehow the b*****d had even managed to track us down… Did he have some sort of tracer on her?

Her luggage.

I pulled up to the side of the road, making her grab the edge of her seat and glare at me with those large, gorgeous eyes of hers. 1 “What are you doing?”

I didn‘t reply. Getting out of the car, I walked to the trunk and grabbed her luggage, flipped her suitcase open, just as she came out of the car.

“What are you doing?!”

“I want to know how the f**k he found us.” I replied, trying not to notice her tiny thongs in the suitcase, and tossed the entire thing into the hedges.

“What the f**k! How the hell would he have something tracing me!” She growled.

I looked her over, my gaze falling to her shoes.

“Take your shoes off too.” I commanded.

“No, seriously, when would he have had time to–”

I didn‘t have f*****g time for this. I grabbed her by the arm, pulling her close and lifting her up onto the edge of the open trunk, before I pulled her shoes off myself. F*****g stubborn woman. “You are f*****g crazy.” She growled, clearly agitated, but I could also sense her unease and worry.

“Makes two of us then.” I replied icily. 5

I looked at her pants, they didn‘t hold anything metal, they should be fine. She sure had s**y f*****g legs…

I looked her over before I pointed to her earrings.

“Remove them.”

She glared at me but obeyed, tossing them into the bushes.

I pulled her down and slammed the trunk shut, before I walked over to the passenger seat. grabbing her bag “Leo, he didn‘t have a chance to touch my things!” “You can‘t be so f*****g sure, there‘s some way he‘s tracing you.” I frowned, as I spilt the content onto the seat. 1

I took out my lighter, setting her passport alight. “Hey!”

“Sorry little She–Wolf, but I‘m not f*****g risking it. You‘ve been in this guy‘s company, so you can‘t trust any of this s**t.”

“You‘re being extreme.” She growled, trying to s****h it from me, but I held it out of reach with ease.

“I know how small chips can be…” I watched until her face and details on the passport melted away, tossed it aside and then destroyed her bank cards before emptying her entire bag out. I switched her phone off but kept it with me, I‘ll do some tracing later…

The last thought I had was if she had a chip inside of her, extreme but not f*****g unheard of, I had all the pups in my pack chipped incase something happened to them. I‘ll check when we get back… not that it would work in my Pack anyway but I wanted to be sure either way. 5

She now stood there seething. Her heart was pounding loudly as she stared at her things.

“Get in.”

“I have no money, no clothes, no passport!” She shouted suddenly, her eyes flashing.

I clamped a hand over her mouth, pushing her up against the car.

“No f*****g big deal! You‘ll get clothes and cash, now get your little a*s into the car.” I growled.

She shoved me back and I stepped away, letting her get in, my gaze dropping to her a*s.

S**y. 4

I looked away, and slammed the door shut, went around and got into the driver‘s seat. I was about to start the car back up, when she quickly tried to open the door.

“I‘m not letting you out, I already told –“.

She waved her hand, retching as she pointed at her mouth.

F**k, she was going to be sick. I unlocked the door and she stumbled out, running to the bushes and threw up. I got out, swiftly scanning the surroundings, before I walked over to her. Guess she got motion sickness..

I stood by her side as she clutched her stomach with one hand, the other struggling to hold back her silky locks. I reached over, gathering her hair up and held it back, as she emptied her stomach. 5

“Urgh.” She groaned once she had finished emptying the contents of her stomach.

“Guess you‘re not as strong as one would think.” I remarked, letting go of her glossy hair. s

I grabbed one of her discarded items of clothes and passed it to her.

She wiped her mouth and tossed it onto the floor again, then looked at me. I had half a mind to make another comment but she looked f*****g pale.

“Thanks.” She said with an expression in her eyes I couldn‘t read.

“We‘ll stop at the next service station, and grab something to drink.” I suggested. She didn‘t argue, instead walked to the passenger side and got in, resting her head back against the headrest.

I got in, locking the doors before I started driving. She kept her eyes closed as we continued, it was already late, and it had gotten dark outside. I turned the volume up a little on the music, enjoying the silence that gave me the space to think things over. The pull of the bond was still hanging between us, even though I had weakened it by rejecting her, it didn‘t stop me from thinking about her…


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