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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 24

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 24 – A Strange Result AZURA.

I didn‘t want to be back here, it was hard being here and feeling this pain. I still didn‘t know how to feel about him wanting to help, sure it felt great having someone as smart, powerful, and ruthless as Leo on my side, but I also knew that Judah was twisted, dark, and manipulative. Would Leo be able to fix this?

It was a game of risk.

I stayed in the shower for a while, before I wrapped a towel around myself, then dried my hair with a second towel. I walked into the bedroom, spotting the tray of food on the bed.

My stomach rumbled and I couldn‘t wait to dig in.

Goddess, I was starved.

I pulled on my panties and walked over to the wardrobe, taking out a white shirt. I looked at it before putting it on.

I sighed heavily as I plopped onto the bed, reminiscing on the moment he had held my hair back when I vomited. 1

And he should, this was his kid too! 1

But he didn‘t know I was pregnant… 2

Well it seems he had some humanity in him.

This baby… I was beginning to realise I may not be able to keep it from him… If he wanted to see his child, could I really be a b***h and refuse him? I picked up the tray, placing it on the bed and began eating

Since I was going to be staying here, I needed to get Dante‘s necklace somehow. Without Leo realising why, and I think it was time I told Mama and them who my mate was, and the fact I was here at the Sangue Pack.

I played with the pasta. Despite how hungry I was, I suddenly wasn‘t really in the mood to eat. I noticed the bag on the bed and pulled it closer, emptying its contents.

Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a body sponge, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a pack of tampons, a hairbrush, and moisturiser. Wow, seems like he can be a little considerate, shame for him I used his toothbrush and products already. I shrugged as I picked up the box of tampons and tossed them in the air. I smacked it, letting it fly across the room, it hit the wall and drop to the floor. Now that was something I didn‘t need, thanks to the dumb Rossi and his sperm. 3 I began eating again, my gaze flitting to the tablet, musing over my options. I could contact Dante via email. Yeah, I know, old–school, but at least he‘ll get it and hopefully check it soon… Kat even gave me his number, but oh well. I picked up the tablet and switched it on, the screen went blank for a second before it turned on. 1

Logging into my email, I found Dante‘s address and began typing a message.

‘Hey nephew!

Hope you are enjoying your time in Italy. Eat my share of pizza and pasta and send me pictures,

So, the reason I am messaging you, and I really hope you see this message… I need to borrow a certain amulet of yours, you can probably guess what I‘m talking about and why… I know you wear it… But is there a chance I can borrow it for a bit? 5

Please? I‘ll stop nagging you about calling me aunty?

And don‘t ignore me, I am very sorry for putting the scorpion down your swimming trunks a few years ago, and for adding super glue to your hair last year, I swear I was just jealous. You know I have to hold the title of the best hair, right? I mean, aside from Rayhan. 5

Anyway, since I apologised, can I borrow it?‘ 1 Lots and lots of love your simple, poor, innocent, misguided aunty – Sorry, I mean Azura, not aunty.

I love you lots, remember that ok, even your annoying face. Ok, bye.‘ 1

I looked at my messages, thinking I had pranked him a lot over the years, with the help of Sky of course. The guy needed to lighten up a little. Broody Rossis… 4

I placed the tablet aside and ate some more pasta. Through the frosty wall of the bedroom, I noticed the outside room light up a little, was Leo back down here?

Today had been strange… I sighed as I finished eating, placing the tray to the side and lay down on the bed, pondering over everything that had happened. I sighed heavily once again as I placed my hand on my belly.

I‘m sorry little one. I hope I‘m not stressing you out.

I felt exhausted and I hoped tomorrow was a better day…


The following day I had been awoken by Leo knocking on the door, leaving breakfast and a few bags of clothes outside. I had just seen him disappear through another door.

His weird behaviour had surprised me, but I didn‘t ponder over it much before helping myself to breakfast and then getting ready for the day, although I wasn‘t sure I was going to see anything outside of this room.

I had checked the tablet several times, but there was no message from Dante yet. It was now past one in the afternoon, when a knock on the door made me look up, and Leo opened it before I even said enter. “You should knock and wait.” I remarked. Our eyes met, but he was as emotionless as ever. Something had changed though, I wasn‘t sure, but since the last time we had talked, there was something off about him. He didn‘t reply to my comment, and instead frowned seriously. 2

“I need you to give me all the information you can on your ex; full name, age, height, anything, including any images you may have of him. I also need certain dates and locations

that might help me. So when you have a moment, come outside.”

“Ok.” I replied, equally as emotionless. Neither of us looked away, staring at one another for a moment longer, before Leo looked away, his eyes falling to the discarded tampon box I had thrown last night. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly and I frowned.

“I‘m a devil, and devils don‘t bleed.” I stated, although he didn‘t ask me anything, .

I wanted to smack myself..

That sure was dumb, I admit, but yeah, right now I don‘t bleed from down there…

He simply raised an eyebrow, before closing the door after him with a small snap.

Weird. He was behaving f*****g weird… and I had just said the weirdest s**t to him.


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