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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 26

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 26 – Coming Clean


I stayed in the apartment not wanting to run into anyone else, andit was so boring with nothing to do.

Winona had come with lunch, and then again for dinner.

It was obvious from the way she was looking around that no one knew I was here.

Guess dickface wanted no one to know.

I was tempted to ask her if I could see Corrado, but after last time…

I wasn’t sure Leo would appreciate it.

So here I was…

wondering what I should do…


knew who my mate was, and it had come to a point where I knew I couldn’t keep lying to my family…

I stared at the tablet that sat on the bed, then glanced at the time.

Just past ten…

Katara would be put to bed by now…

Should I video call? My fingers itched before I took a deep breath, thinking to just go ahead with it.

Marcel knew, and Leo didn’t want anyone here knowing, didn’t mean my parents couldn’t know.

If he pushed for the X-ray, then he’d find out about the baby too…

Before I ended up changing my mind, I quickly set up a video call between Kiara, Raven and Mama, knowing their mates would be there too.


here goes nothing.

Kiara was the first to accept the call.

“Hey Azura! It’s been a while.

How are you?” She asked with a smile on her face.

Kia, my sister, was the younger twin with Liam being older.

She had shoulder-length sandy blond hair, with gorgeous eyes that were sage green with a blue ring around them.

Plump lips and a gorgeous curvy figure to complete her goddess-like looks.

She was a blessed wolf with healing abilities as well as the queen.

“I’m ok, how are you guys?” I asked as a shirtless Alejandro came into view.

Even though he was now in his fifties, he was still as hot as ever ifnot getting hotter with age.

4 Alejandro Rossi, the tattooed Lycan king who was also Leo’s uncle.

This was going to be fun.

“Good until you decided to f*****g interrupt.” Alejandro remarked, sitting behind Kiara with ease, his legs oneach side of her and wrapping his arms around her tightly.

6 “I swear Alejandro, with age you are getting crankier by the second.

Poor Kia, stuck with a grumpy old man.” I taunted.

“Ignore him.

He may be acting like this but when he saw the call was from you, he came over rather quickly.” Kiara said, smiling slightly.

Just then, Mama and Raven joined the call.

“Hmm, of course, everyone loves the Westwood Devil.” I declared with a flick of my hair.

“Or I’m here to see the drama unfold.

There’s no f*****g chance you ain’t been up to something.” Alejandro replied, smirking.

1 Urgh if only he knew…

Would he be smirking if he realised it’s his d**n nephew who screwed me over? a “Hey, guys.” Liam said andI smirked at them, from Raven’s messy hair…

I had a feeling my brother and she had just done the dirty.

“Hey, Zu!” Raven said, as everyone exchanged greetings.

“You know I’m glad you video called, we’ve been worried.” Dad said quietly, I knew he was upset withme.

I nodded, giving him an apologetic smile and one of my best doe-eyed looks..

“Not to mention we can’t even get through to you, Azura what are you doing out there?” Mama asked, frowningslightly.

“Ok, so I wanted to talk to you all together.

Please hear me out before any of you unleash hell.” I said sitting forward.

My heart was racing as I saw Dad’s eyes flash, and Liam and Alejandro were watching me


Mama was frowning, and Raven and Kiara looked concerned.

Come on Azura, tell them.

“Ok first of all…

I didn’t go to Sweden, I planned to, but I didn’t.” I began,

“What?” Dad asked, “Where are you?”

“I…” I almost lied I had car troublebut no, I couldn’t lie anymore to them.

“I’m at my mate’s pack” 1 There it was, the hurt in dad’s eyes, the concern in mama’s, the anger in Liam’s and thatsharp calculating look in Alejandro’s.

“The mate who rejected you?” Liam growled, Raven grabbed hold of his arm, looking back at him as she shook herhead gently, and I knew she was trying to calm him down via the mind link “Yes, and he doesn’t know about…” I pointed at my stomach.

“Anyway moving on, I thought I should tell you; I had every intention of going to Sweden, but then stuff happened and here I am.” 3

“Are you two tryingto make it work?” Mama asked quietly.

“He doesn’t deserve you.” Dad said coldly.

3 “Dad,” Kiara said softly, “Look…

if Zu wants to do this, we should support her.

Tell me Azura, is there good in him?” I nodded slowly.

Although he was an a*s, there was…

even if it’s very less.

2 “He loves his pack, his family, well some of his family.

He’s a stuck-up arrogant jerk, but he is an ok human.


a bit of a d**k…

or a real big d**k” I mumbled.

1 Kiara smiled knowingly, “Then, we all should support her.

I remember how hard Alejandro was to deal with…

to the point he almost marked someone in front of me.” Kiara said, placing a hand on her man’s jaw and tilting herhead up as he leaned down and kissed her.

“Kia is right, maybe there were other factors.” Raven mused.

I nodded.

There definitely was…

“What Pack?” Alejandro asked, frowning.

“I want to know what f****r rejected you.” ? “Why is his pack important?” I asked.

“You said he cares for his pack, so he’s someone ranked then?” Dad asked.

I sighed.

Should I tell them? I examined my nails before Mama called me.

“Azura.” I looked at her, seeing the concern and the pain in her green eyes.

“No more secrets.” Oh, there were so many more secrets.

I’m sorry Mama.

“Ok, if I tell you, no one loses their s**t.

Ok what we do, is our decision to make.

Please.” I said, looking at them all.

2 “He’s f*****g dead.” Liam muttered, but I tilted my head.

2 “Liam.” “I’m not going to stand by and let people constantly hurt you.” He threatened, his eyes full of hurt and anger.

I knew how he hated how the rare few of the pack treated me…

He hated that no matter what he did, there were always a few old vaginas and penisesthat would never change.

“So, let’s have the f****r’s name.” Alejandro said, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

1 A smile crossed my lips as I watched.

“He reminds me a bit of you, which is gross.” I said, making a gagging face.

Alejandro narrowed his eyes.

“There’s only one Alejandro Rossi, no one can f*****g be me.” 1 “Yeah, there’s only one Alejandro, but there isn’t only one Rossi, now isthere?” Alejandro raised an eyebrow, and I took a deep breath.

“My mate is Leo, Marcel’s son.” I confessed, staring at them, waiting for their reactions.

Alejandro froze as Kiara’s eyes widened in shock.

Raven’s mouth dropped open as Liam took a second to comprehend what I had said.

Whilst Dad looked pale, Mama was staring at me in shock 6

“That f****r…” Alejandro was the first to speak as he satforward, his arm still around Kiara, but he was frowning deeply.

“He…” 1 “Another Alejandro.” Liam didn’t sound happy; his usual smile was gone.

“So now the mark makes sense.

He marked you and then when he found out you were a Westwood, he rejected you for that very reason, correct?” 1

His voice was cold, and for someone whocould be pretty dense, I wished he hadn’t picked up on it so fast, but when it came to serious matters, Liam was not to be messed with.

I didn’t say anything, trying to hide the pain I felt at the memory of that night.

Liam had seen me, the way he had broken me…

Everyone was quiet, my silence screaming my response.

It was too silent and then anger appeared on Dad’s and Alejandro’s faces, matching Liam’s.

Kiara looked…


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