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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 38

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 38 – The Choice to Make


It was the following day, and after crushing Corrado‘s heart last night, I felt f*****g awful. He had been asleep on the sofa when I returned, the food uneaten still on the table. He had gone to sleep hungry…
So, the first thing I did this morning was promise him that tonight we were going to c**k together, because Azura was going to come over.

That had cheered him up and I was going to f*****g make sure nothing f****d this up this time around. I had left him with Winona, they would go buy the list of groceries I had sent to her. I was currently in my office at headquarters, waiting for Jackie.

Last night I told Eric to make sure she stayed in her apartment until she was called for. Emmet was in a cell which would stop him from linking anyone and before I talked to him, it was Jackie I needed to deal with first.

The knock on the door made me look up, before it opened to reveal Eric, Nikki and Jackie. Jackie‘s eyes were bloodshot, and it was obvious she had cried a lot. Eric looked sympathetic, but I already had a word with him regarding Emmet. He had been there when s**t went down anyway, and he knew what Emmet‘s temper was like. The two had never seen eye to eye often enough. 1

“Did I ask for an entourage to accompany her?” I asked. “She‘s in a state, Leo.” Nikki said, her own eyes shadowing when they fell to the mark on my neck. 4

Even with the tattoos on my neck, her mark wasn‘t hidden away… I won‘t deny that I examined it closely. It was a heart of fire in two shades, half was silvers and blues whilst the other was navy and blacks. It may look like a heart created from flames, but if you look closer, you could see that it was in fact, two wolf heads nuzzling together with fur made of fire. 14

Hurt flashed in her eyes before she looked away, placing her arm around her sister.

“I‘ll wait outside.” Eric said, giving a small nod.

I waited for the door to shut, as both sisters took the seats opposite to me.

‘Is it true that Azura is pregnant with your child?‘ Nikki‘s voice came through the link 2

My eyes flashed as I looked at her.

‘You know the answer to that already.‘

‘Wow.’ Her voice was bitter and irritated.

If Jackie wasn‘t here, I would have f*****g snapped, but I didn‘t want to stress her out even more.

‘We did nothing wrong. She is my mate. My f*****g mistake was not ending it with you that day I got back. For that, I‘m sorry alright, so let‘s end this s**t now. We are over.‘ I replied icily. ‘I don‘t want to have this conversation with you again, so move the f**k on.‘

Her eyes glistened, and what f*****g irked me was that her sister was in a state, and she was far more concerned about me. 6

‘Leo, you have ignored every message that –

“Leave.” I commanded. My eyes were enough of a warning, and she simply shook her head before standing up, and storming out. Once the door snapped shut behind her, I stood up and walked around the desk, leaning against it next to Jackie.

“I know this is all hard and although you are probably f*****g confused about the entire situation, I need you to be honest.” I said leaning closer. My hands threaded together in front of me as I rested my elbows on my thighs.

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with glittering tears.

“I‘m so sorry, I didn‘t know he‘ll try to hurt her. If I knew you were her mate, I would have told you about the baby.” She sobbed, her face filled with guilt, before she broke into tears.

I frowned, not expecting that. “You knew about the baby?” I asked. She nodded, “She said to me to keep it quiet, because you knew who her mate was and that you might tell him, and he wasn‘t a good person… and when I found out she was mated in this

pack, I understood it. I‘m sorry.” I

“Don‘t apologise, you kept her word…”

Wait… did Emmet know… 1

My heart thumped, remembering Emmet‘s words.

‘I know your secret.‘ “Jackie. Did you tell Emmet?”

Her guilt–filled eyes met mine and she nodded.

“I never thought he‘d hurt her, especially since he knew…” She whispered.

My eyes blazed as white–hot pain lashed through me.

He kicked her in the stomach.

He intentionally targeted our pup. “Do you know where he hurt her?” I asked her, my voice shaking slightly, as I did my best to contain the searing rage that was rushing through me. “He kicked her in the f*****g stomach.” 2 My voice was dangerous and menacing, and her face paled. She shook her head, clamping her hands over her mouth. “No… he–no… It‘s my fault, I shouldn‘t have–” * “No. It‘s his f*****g fault, and he will pay for it. Emmet will not be pardoned for his f*****g crimes.” 1

A sob left her as she crumbled in front of me, a woman who had been broken by her mate and

his actions. “What have I done… Emmet… why did he do this… Leo what if you let him go, don‘t let him stay in the pack. Exile him and –” **

“Do I look like a fool to you? If you set a criminal free, he will come back for revenge. This wasn‘t an accident or a crime committed by misjudgment, but one he carried out intentionally. Emmet not only abused you, but he also tried to harm an unborn pup and a pregnant woman. It doesn‘t matter if she is the rightful Luna of this pack, or the fact that that was my child he tried to hurt. They are crimes that I‘m not going to forgive, whether they were against an Alpha, or an Omega, and he will be punished.” My voice was cold but despite my calmness, there was no f*****g way I was going to pardon him. 4

When an enemy walks free, they are a danger just waiting to happen. Emmet will stay in prison for life, or at least for the next thirty years, before I decide what to do with him… or… someone else does…

“Will you kill him?” She asked in a hoarse whisper.

“I want to. I want to rip him from limb, to f*****g limb for what he did. Don‘t forget Jackie, he was like a brother to me too, but I won‘t do that, because it would cause your downfall if I did. “I replied quietly. “He hurt a baby.” She was crying again, rocking on her seat. I moved away from the desk, and instead crouched down in front of her.

“Jackie.” I took hold of her arms, hating seeing her like this. “Tell me, how long has he been hurting you. Please don‘t lie.” She didn‘t remove her hands from her face as she continued to sob, her pain and anguish clear. “It was on and off… Maybe it started a year after we were mated. It was just a shove or slap here and there, but then it became more frequent.” She whispered, her voice breaking. So for a few f*****g years… “And not once did you think to tell me or Nikki?”

“He was your friend, and I love him.” She looked torn.

“Friend or not, I wouldn‘t side with someone because of who they are… I would have sided with the truth.”

Yet despite Azura just being a young woman, you straight up rejected her because of who her parents were. I sure was a f*****g hypocrite. 2 “I‘m sorry I said that Azura lied that day. I owe her an apology and for spilling her secret… I‘m sorry.”

“The question is what will you do now? Emmet will be tried in front of the pack, and he will be f*****g imprisoned, rest assured. But now it‘s on you. Will you stay as the mate of an abuser, someone who tried to kill an unborn child. Mated yet apart, or will you let him go and build your life once more?” I asked softly, I knew she was in pain, but she needed to make the decision. “It‘s not that easy, you mean rejecting him right? The pain of rejection after marking is devastating.” She whispered brokenly. Gone was the smiling woman who always cared for others… I just wished that she could smile

genuinely, not a fake mask whilst suffering inside. • “Rejection is terrifying…” She whispered. I know how painful rejection was… and I hate that I f*****g put Azura through that… but what now? Do I somehow find someone to break the bond, so she can live when I die? I forced my attention back to the woman in front of me.


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