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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 44

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 44 – A Showdown


I hadn‘t even gotten to the entrance to the motel when the phone beeped, and I looked down at it.


I felt sick and my heart was thumping before I even clicked on it. I hated being around him. I hated how whenever he was near, something always went wrong. I just wished he was gone from my life for good, or better yet, I wish I had never f**king met him.

I looked down at my phone, frowning at the message.

‘I want you to take out any weapons you are carrying, and toss them in that trash bin. Then make your way around the back and up onto the rooftop. Leave the phone there too. Don‘t play

smart, I‘m watching you my Pet.‘

‘He‘s here.‘ I said to Leo through the link, trying to sound as normal as possible.

I hated him with a passion.

I was glad Leo was near… I felt a little at ease.

Stay calm, I‘m right there with you.‘ His voice was powerful, calm, and confident which equates to s*xy–as–hell.

But that sick feeling only grew with each step, as I took out the dagger that Leo had given me. He had also given me a few other items which didn‘t really look like weapons, but would give me some protection, although he was sure I wouldn‘t need them.

‘What is with you and all these gadgets? Are you Batman?‘ I asked through the link as I tossed the phone and dagger into the trash. 2 ‘A billionaire with a troubled past and is smart as f***k? Kinda fits, but no, because I‘m not a hero.

You‘re becoming mine…

‘Well then Leo Rossi, are you a villain?‘ I asked, almost cursing myself for sounding a tad too flirty.

‘Do you need to label me Azura Rayne Westwood?‘

Maybe?‘ “Then I’m just someone doing what I need to do. Call it whatever the f***k you want. I don‘t need to be a hero or a villain, I‘m just something in between.‘ I spotted the rusty metal steps and looked at them. They led all the way up… slowly I began walking up them, trying not to smile at his tone.

A sharp wind blew, and I scanned my surroundings. 1 ‘Well, I think Batman fits, but then he doesn‘t have a s*xy butt, so maybe you can be Buttman or S*xy Butt?‘ I cackled trying not to laugh out loud. ‘Very amusing… Now focus, where are you headed?‘ ‘He wants me to make my way up to the rooftop.‘

And you didn‘t tell me that? Be careful and do not antagonise him.‘

Understood.‘ I replied, keeping my face blank just in case he was watching me.

The stairs creaked and clanged under my feet as I continued slowly upwards. The noise felt too loud in the silence. An occasional car driving past could be heard, or a street cat.

I was extra aware, trying to listen out for anything; even the rustling of the leaves in the trees felt loud.

My mind turned to other things. Was Song with himn? Was she safe?

I was near the top when Leo‘s voice came again. ‘I can see you and I have the camera connected. Don‘t try anything reckless, ok?‘ ‘Ok. I‘m not a reckless person.’ ‘You sure aren‘t.‘ Came his sarcastic response. I reached the top, and I realised that just talking to him had helped the unease that now returned with vengeance.

I scanned the area, my heart skipping a beat when I saw the slumped body of Song tied up against the railing, her blond and ash hair catching my eyes. My stomach twisted sickeningly as I saw the bruises and cuts along her entire body.

“Song!” I shouted and was about to run over when a shadow fell over me, I turned just in time to see Judah lunge at me. I ducked, stepping back.

“Stay back” I growled murderously.

‘Keep your distance, try to stall him.‘ Leo‘s voice came, calm and in control.

“Ah little Pet… How I missed you…” He said, his voice sinister and dark.

He walked slowly as he advanced on me like a predator would, but he forgets that I‘m not his prey…

“Shame, I didn‘t miss you.” I countered, my eyes flickering to Song. The distance between us was growing as I kept stepping back, making sure I was far from the edge of the building.

“So, that ba**ard who texted me really thought he could keep you?” He spat venomously.” Your so–called mate?”

“I‘m not a f**king pet or animal that anyone can keep me. I do what I f**king want. We were done a year ago, Judah. Just get the hell out of my life!”

“We had a deal. You will obey me, and then I will decide if you can go.” His eyes flashed dangerously.

“I don‘t care about the deal anymore. Tudah, I‘m done! Want to release those videos! Go for it. ” I said icily.

“Don‘t push me freak, because I f**king will.” His eyes darkened as he advanced on me, his face contorted in rage.

How did I ever find him handsomne? How did I ever even kiss him? Just the thought made me sick “F*ck off.” “Relax.‘ Leo‘s voice came, calm and in control.

‘Don‘t tell me to calm down.‘ I growled back. ‘You are only going to anger him… Trust me, think with a level head.‘ “I would be very careful if I were you.” Judah growled, and he was in front of me in a flash. I tensed, staying alert, ready to protect my baby if I had to. “Fine, you wanted me, you got me. What do you want with me?” I asked coldly, trying to control the anger that I wanted to unleash, and I knew if I wasn‘t pregnant, I would have.

He was within reach now, and although I felt stronger since both Leo and I had marked one another, I didn‘t want to risk anything. Especially when I knew what he was capable of. “I want so much… but the question is, have you really removed all your weapons? Strip for me just how you used to.” I frowned, my anger flaring through me as his eyes raked over me, making my skin crawl. “Let‘s see that body of yours again. Watching those videos just isn‘t enough, you know?” Judah continued.

I suddenly felt such an intense wave of anger which made me gasp and step back.

These… these emotions weren‘t mine…

‘F***king ba****ard.’ Leo‘s venomous growl came.

My heart was pounding as Judah took out his gun, c*cking it and pointing it at me.

“Strip you b*tch, before I f***king blow your brains out.” He hissed.

‘I‘m right here.‘ Leo‘s trembling growl of pure rage came.


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