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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 48

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 48 – Family AZURA.
I sensed his struggle and knew I had to do something, even if he had been a total a*shole to me last night. I mean, he had protected me from Judah and gotten rid of him. ‘Don‘t be so stubborn, forgive him Leo.‘ I said softly. I wanted to do more… I wanted to cup his face and tell him he wasn‘t alone, but I couldn‘t bring myself to do so when he didn‘t want me, and so I simply tried to comfort him silently through the bond.

He exhaled sharply, taking another drag of his cigarette before he turned back to his father, his tattooed hand closing around my wrist just when I was about to remove it. Not letting me move away.

“It‘s in the past… You don‘t need my forgiveness. I just needed it off my chest.” Leo said curtly, acting as arrogant as ever, but it was obvious that Marcel‘s words had gotten to him. “Thank you son, I‘m glad you told me.” Marcel said quietly, approaching us. The father and son looked at one another, and I slowly tugged my hand free, this was their moment. Corrado‘s eyes had been glued to Leo‘s grip on my hand, now flicked to mine. Curiosity, happiness, and still a bit of confusion lingered in those vibrant hazel eyes.

“I really am sorry Leo, and it just shows that I was wrong… Wrong to think of you like that, when I should have known you wouldn‘t harm anyone innocent.” Marcel apologised, placing his hands on his son‘s shoulders.

I smiled down at Corrado, stepping back and giving his hand a squeeze.

“Yeah, you should have, because if I wanted, we both know that I could have finished Rayhan years ago.” He said his voice was equally icy as it was quiet, so Corrado didn‘t hear.

I admired him, even when his emotions were so intense, he was able to keep himself in check around his son.

“I know what he did was complicated, but he has apologised Leo. You will be happier if you let it go.” If Marcel knew he was planning on talking to him I knew he‘d be proud of him. Truly proud. “Yeah, well let‘s not get ahead.” Leo replied coldly. Marcel smiled slightly and nodded. “Yes, you‘re right. I lost my mate and a child I never knew of… but I‘m so grateful that I still have you. You are my greatest blessing.” He said quietly, his voice thick with emotions. Goddess, it was too damn emotional! Marcel stepped closer to Leo and embraced him, Leo stiffened almost as if not used to it… “If you have truly forgiven me… I wish you would try to bring yourself to call me Dad again.” He said so quietly that I just about caught it. &

Urgh, I‘m going to blame the pregnancy hormones, this is not meant to be emotional! How the hell was Leo so stiff and cool? 2

I knew both were hurting and it made my heart ache to witness this… Life really was short and looking at Marcel now, I realised in a way, he really was alone… No mate, and his own son had pushed him away. Even if he did have other family, it wasn‘t the same.

Damnit, hug him.

Slowly, Leo raised his arms, embracing his father, and I smiled down at Corrado, who was watching with wide eyes. I was sure even he realised his father wasn‘t very close to Marcel. 1

I hope that changes going forward…

“I have never seen Daddy hug Grandad.” He said in a loud whisper. 2

Marcel chuckled as Leo moved back. He was as stoic as ever, but when our eyes met, he was unable to hide the fact that they were full of emotions. I knew it wasn‘t easy for him… but I truly was proud of him.

“Come on over here, son.” Marcel motioned him over, his arm still around Leo‘s shoulders, as Leo simply took a drag on the cigarette he was still holding.

“Group hug!” Corrado exclaimed, running over to them.

“Yes, you too, Azura.” Marcel smiled.

My eyes widened slightly, not expecting that. “I don‘t think–” “Come on Azura, we are having a family hug!” Corrado said, turning and beckoning me over.

“Family hug…” I placed my hand on my stomach for a second, feeling Leo‘s eyes on me, before I walked over to them as Marcel lifted Corrado into his arms.

“Yes, Azura is family, isn‘t she?” He asked Corrado as I stopped a little away, feeling awkward. Leo‘s scent didn‘t help matters either…

With Marcel‘s hands busy, did he expect me to hug S*xy Alpha D*ckface? No, I so wasn‘t going to do that. I‘m still going to get that staple gun and execute my revenge… 3

“Yes, she is, we are going to keep her” Corrado whispered into Marcel‘s ear, making my eyebrow shoot up. 2 He let out a laugh before nodding “Yes, I like the idea.”

Leo frowned.

“Are we done yet?” He asked coldly. “Oh no Daddy, we have to have a group hug!” Corrado reminded him, holding his arm out to me. At the same moment, Leo reached out, his arm snaking around my waist as he pulled me close.

My heart pounded, the electrifying sparks of the bond dizzying. Our eyes met for a moment, and I could hear his heart deceive him.

So close… yet so far away… 2 I placed my hand on his shoulder, placing my other hand on Marcel‘s back. Forcing my gaze away from Leo‘s, I rested my head against Corrado‘s. He giggled, resting his hand on top of mine.

“I love you Azura!”

My heart thundered as I looked up into that innocent face of his.

“I love you too.” I whispered, reaching up I kissed his nose and smiled at him.

Somehow this little gem had made a special space inside of my heart…

There were just too many emotions inside of me… 1

Deep down past that stubborn a*s exterior of mine, was it wrong that I wanted this? Wanted Leo… wanted to have Corrado in my life? Wanted Marcel to get to see his next grandchild grow up around him too?

My breath hitched when I felt Leo‘s fingers caress the side of my stomach. My heart pounded as I turned my eyes hesitantly to his.

Those icy blues that I loved so much stared back into mine with such intensity, that I almost forgot to breathe… “I‘ll put them…”

We all turned to see Winona standing there holding some dress bags, freezing in her tracks as she realised the room wasn‘t empty.

“I‘m so sorry.” She said quickly, looking flustered, as Leo moved back first.

“Not at all,” Marcel said, smiling slightly. “We were just having a moment, and I appreciate all the help. You didn‘t have to do any of this.” He walked over to her, and she smiled slightly, nodding. 1

“Thank you, Alpha.” She replied, looking down at the bags. “I‘ll take them.” Marcel offered, “We all need a change of clothes anyway.”

I watched curiously, wondering what those clothes were for. Marcel‘s words made me realise I had put paint on Leo, and Corrado had put some in my hair and all over Marcel. “Ah, this one is yours.” Marcel said, passing one of the bags back to her. Winona looked at him surprised. 1 “Alpha, I can‘t accept this…” She turned to Leo for help, looking confused. “You are as much part of this family as the rest of us. You have taken care of my grandson, and that alone is enough. Since it‘s of your choosing, you can‘t really refuse.” Marcel said firmly. “Alpha.” She looked at Leo who simply raised an eyebrow. 1 “I don‘t know what sh–is going on, but you agreed to help him.” He said smoking his cigarette, smoothly stopping himself from swearing. “And that should be enough of an answer to show you can‘t refuse. Alpha‘s orders.” Marcel said dismissively.


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