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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 54

54. A Disappointing Failure


The evening that I had hoped would go well, had gone downhill. Both Leo and Azura had returned soaked from what was obviously a dip in the pool, but with it, their moods had gone down. Not once did they even talk after that, obviously avoiding one another.

I was now ready to make the announcement to pass Leo the position of Alpha, a title he deserved, and one I wished I had given him years ago.

“Well, I still think I want to just sit back and just spend time with my grandchildren now... and so, tonight, I will pass that title to my son, Leo–”

‘Stop, what the fuck do you think you‘re doing?‘ Leo‘s voice was harsh as he spoke through the link, his eyes flashing when our eyes met.

‘Giving you something I should have years ago.‘ I replied through the link. ‘It‘s too fucking late to fix that shit. I told you I fucking forgive you, but I don‘t want it. Don‘t do this. “Daddy will be Alpha!” Corrado‘s voice came, but Leo‘s words had shaken me. “Now I know why there‘s a special knife.” ‘Leo, you deserve this.‘

‘I said I fucking don‘t want it.‘ He replied venomously, and I was taken aback.

Leo stood up, his demeanour was cold and hostile.

“Leo...” I didn‘t know what to say. This wasn‘t how tonight was meant to end…

“I don‘t need the title to be Alpha. I no longer fucking want it, keep it.” He said coldly, staring me dead in the eyes before he turned and walked away, leaving complete silence behind... I didn‘t know what to say, unable to ignore the pain I felt. I could feel all those pairs of eyes on me as I slowly sat down again. 2

The hope I had felt that maybe things could be better... had just come to an abrupt end. Raj was making conversation, and he soon managed to replace the shocked silence with the hum of chatter.

“Grandad... why did Daddy say no?” Corrado asked, “I‘m not sure son.” I replied, patting his back as Winona came over. “Come on Corrado, do you want to go to the dessert table?” She asked him. I glanced at her, grateful that she had come over, and she gave me a small smile. ‘He‘ll come around, Alpha.‘ She said through the link as she helped Corrado down from his seat.

‘I hope so.‘ I replied before they both walked away...

The night had ended in disappointment, and the plan that had sounded great this morning,

ended up a total failure. Everyone had slowly retreated, and I didn‘t miss the sympathy in the eyes of many. After all, Leo had rejected the title outright... I sighed heavily, running my hand through my hair.

I had gone wrong... somewhere... The silence felt loud... just like it always did in this huge house.

Even though I knew Corrado was now fast asleep in Leo‘s old room upstairs, he had been upset and confused after Leo walked out. Although Azura, Winona, and Song had tried to cheer him up, it was obvious Azura herself wasn‘t completely there. In the end, Winona had taken him away to turn in for the night. Song and Azura would be staying the night here too. Neither refused when I suggested the idea.

The sound of someone walking in the hallway came occasionally, as the staff were clearing the garden and house up. I was now in the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee. I felt far more tired than I should have, it felt like I was losing it all.

Hope. I had let myself hope and even that had been ripped away from me... I truly felt like I had only ever had a few years with Leo. Under Endora‘s reign, it was all a blank or what I remembered was a hazy blur. The snippets I remember were tense, and I just remembered a child who always held a fire in his eyes. As he got older, from the age of six, he began pulling his weight and acting far older than he was... When I first created this pack, we had become closer... and I hoped he got the childhood he had been deprived of, but that all changed once Rayhan had come here.

Now when I thought I‘d get him back... I lost the chance. Even if he said he had forgiven me, I wonder if it was just because he really just didn‘t care anymore.

I tried to reach him several times through the link after he left, but he had his block up.

I frowned, realising the coffee machine wasn‘t working.


The sound of footsteps and Winona‘s light, citrus scent reached my nose. She always smelt refreshing. 1

I didn‘t turn as she entered; I had asked her to come to see me when she was finished putting Corrado to bed. Azura‘s words before she had retreated to bed weren‘t forgotten.

‘I know it‘s not my place, but a member of your pack was disrespecting Winona today. And although I think I broke her damn nose, I don‘t think Leo will be holding her accountable for her actions... So I hope you do. Winona‘s shoulder had scratches too...

I frowned as I pushed the button a few more times. Why wasn‘t this stupid thing working?

I shook it, cursing internally, before a pale, slender arm reached out and switched the socket

  1. on.


“It was switched off Alpha.” Winona said, smiling politely. “You asked for me?” I looked down at her. She was still in that black dress, and it was easy to forget that she was the same Winona I knew. I looked away smoothly, watching the coffee machine for a second,

before turning back to her and nodding.

Crossing my arms, I leaned against the worktop.

“Yes, I did. Azura mentioned something that happened earlier, regarding someone disrespecting you.” I began. Instantly, she rubbed her arm, looking away for a second

“It‘s sorted Alpha, Azura defended me, and it really wasn‘t much.”

“I will be the judge of that. Tell me exactly what happened.” I commanded lightly.


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