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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 56

56. The Beginning of a Haze


I stood there, looking down at her as she claimed my son as her own. A thousand emotions coursing through me. She didn‘t accept him for me, but because she wanted to.

Fuck why was this so fucking intense?

‘I want to be your Mama too...‘

Her words shook me. No, she didn‘t come running out of that house for me, but for him. Her eyes did not once find me as she wiped those tears from Corrado‘s face.

She was still young, wild and temperamental, but she had a heart of fucking gold, and he was lucky to have her...

She hugged him tightly and, at that moment, I selfishly wished I could enjoy the fucking time I had... but I didn‘t want her to get attached to me unless I could fucking make it. Then again, I think she already was... There was no denying what we felt for one another.

I really needed to find a solution... a solution to living... 13

I stepped away from them, feeling another wave of heat rush through me.

I don‘t know what the fuck was wrong, but I needed to get checked out... I cast one last look at the duo. This right here... was my fucking world. All three of them... 3

Live for them…

But I was not a god, and I didn‘t have the power to restore life. 4

“Jackie, I don‘t really feel great. Mind if you can do a check over?” I asked through the link.

‘Right away.‘ Her voice was full of worry as I cast a final look at Azura and Corrado before I walked away.

‘I‘m on my way.‘ I replied through the link.

Twenty minutes later Jackie looked up from the monitor. “It‘s just, I don‘t really know why you feel like that, there‘s no huge change from the last time, I mean, your organs are failing, but there‘s nothing majorly different...” She mused worriedly.

“I don‘t know, I just feel really hot, and everything seems fucking heightened. Restless, even my wolf seems to have spurts of rage and... hunger?” Explaining this was fucking weird, and last night I had a dream where I was fucking Azura, yeah not the first... But it sure as fuck had me wake up this morning with such a fucking hard on, I had to jerk off to the thought of her in the fucking shower. But I was not going to fucking tell her any of that shit. She frowned slightly.

“That‘s strange...” She looked me over as is trying to find the answer. “Anything that seems to make it worse? Overexerting yourself? Or any certain time of day?” I frowned...

“Not really.”

“I‘ll try to see what I can find. Right now nothing is coming to mind. Your temperature is normal and there doesn‘t seem to be anything unusual.”

“Hmm, maybe it‘s nothing.”

“I doubt it‘s nothing, I‘ll run some further tests on your bloods.” She said, her eyes shadowing as she looked up at me. “You need to ask for help, Leo.”

“Let‘s be serious Jackie, Kiara can‘t regenerate something that is fucking dead. These artificial replacements aren‘t cutting it... I failed.” I said, leaning forward to take a look at the results.

“Leo you did well, but maybe if she could cure the poison that is the cause, at least then–”

“Then what? I keep trying to use some shit that isn‘t working; heck, I‘m not even able to fucking shift without having to replace all that shit.”

“Does Azura know?” She whispered hesitantly.

I looked down at my hands.

“What do I tell her? That I‘m dying?”

“Maybe she can help.” She replied worriedly. “You are going to Alpha Alejandro‘s pack tomorrow. There must be something. They have powerful witches; this damage was done by a witch. Perhaps it‘s a witch who can help? Don‘t give up hope Leo.” I didn‘t want to... I didn‘t want to give up, but was it wrong to try to prepare for the inevitable? “They can do nothing.” 10

I had left the hospital and gone for a light run to clear my mind.

I‘d talk to Kiara but I knew the answer already... I also knew I needed to tell Azura... Especially since Kiara would probably fucking tell her. Then there was the fact that she refused to leave...

I hadn‘t expected her to do that, to agree to Corrado‘s request... Last night, after Nikki was a right–out bitch, I panicked when Azura stormed off. It had proven to me that no matter how much I fucking acted like I could live without her, I wanted her... The intense urge to fucking stop her, and tell her how she‘s the only fucking one I craved, had overcome me But then I back peddled before it got deeper.

Yeah, I know I was fucking hurting her again and again.

Fuck it all.

I frowned as I slowed down, covered with a layer of sweat after an hour of running. My brown hair flopped in front of my forehead as I lit a cigarette.

My mind pondered over the future as I made my way around to the back of the apartment block and leaned against the wall to smoke.

Should I put her down as legal guardian to Corrado after me? At least I know he‘ll be ok...

Last night I commanded Jax to go after Nikki and deal with her since I didn‘t fucking want to see her again. Then I had put my block up so no one could fucking contact me. I couldn‘t deny I felt guilty about how I handled the Alpha title shit last night.

I had ordered Jax to suspend her position on the training regimen. She was to move out of my apartment block, and her personal allowance as a member of this pack would be cut down. Plus she would do one hundred hours of community work at the daycare since I knew she didn’t really like kids. Lastly, she was to apologise to both Azura and Winona. A



‘Did you handle it?‘ I asked.

‘Yeah, she‘s been moved to the far block, so shouldn‘t be around your apartment any longer. Eric did have a firm word with her too. Alpha Marcel had a word with her this morning too. I let him know of the punishment you decided, and he said to have her do an extra fifty hours of cleaning around the training areas.‘ Jax replied, clearly finding it amusing.

‘Good. Make sure she apologises to Winona in Dad‘s presence.‘ He didn‘t reply, and I frowned.


‘Yeah–yeah I‘m listening, I just… nothing, I‘ll make sure the Alpha is there. What about Azura?

I frowned, wondering what the fuck was his problem.

‘Bring her down before we leave for Alejandro‘s pack tomorrow, I‘ll make sure she does so in front of me.‘ I replied coldly.

I had heard what she had said, and although I didn‘t want to give her the fucking time of day, I wasn‘t going to let it slide. I didn‘t trust her not to play up in front of anyone else. She insulted Azura, and that was something I needed to fucking make sure never happened again.

‘I like you defending our rightful Luna, it suits you.‘ “Yeah, whatever. Did anyone check Emmet‘s office and apartment?‘

‘Yeah, Ace has some stuff that he‘ll go through.‘

‘Keep on it, I need answers.‘ I said, feeling suddenly suffocated as I pulled my top off and tossed it to the ground.

‘Got it.‘

I tossed the cigarette to the ground as I ended the link, feeling the same weird energy that enveloped me yesterday once again. ‘Jin, any update on tracking down the bullets?‘

‘Making progress, Li Sheng is on one right now. I will keep you updated.‘


Fuck, what was wrong with me?

I clutched my head, feeling the surge of my woll‘s restlessness inside of me.

Why was it like he wanted to take over? I couldn‘t afford to shift right now...

I slumped against the wall, taking deep breaths, suddenly feeling fucking hungry for sex.

Can‘t fucking blame me. It‘s been far too fucking long. “Leo?” The voice was distant, yet it still seemed to ring in my head.

I could hear the rushing of blood in my veins and my wolf‘s hunger growing.

Azura was nearby.

I made to leave, when Nikki blocked my path. 3


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