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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 69

69. Burning Emotions


My heart shattered watching Leo on his knees, cradling her body to his chest. Not one sound left him, but the pain and anguish that radiated off him was something I didn‘t even need the mate bond to feel. It filled the air and I had never seen him so… vulnerable.

The man that tried not to show emotions, who was always strong and cold, was now broken. Devastated by the loss of his loved ones. I wished I could turn back time and stop this from happening. I wish I could take his pain and make it my own.

Why her?

I wish I had called her last night... she must have been hoping I got her message.


I simply knelt behind him placing my arm around his shoulders, hoping it gave him some reprieve from the pain and heartbreak he was experiencing. His thudding heart was beating far faster than it should.

Closing my eyes, I tried to squash the guilt that was consuming me.

I brought Judah to them... I cost him his sister… and a best friend.

I made sure my walls were up, and never had I ever reinforced them as much as I did now. I didn‘t want to let him know how I was feeling. Not wanting to add to his pain.

Biting my lip, I held him tightly from behind, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to control the burning pain that was rushing through me.


I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn‘t even notice the door open behind me, until Emmet‘s angry shouts reached me.

“Don‘t touch her!”

My eyes flew open to see Eric and another guard holding him by the arms, his hands were bound, and although he couldn‘t awaken his wolf, he was staring at Leo with such hatred that it made up for the lack of his wolf‘s rage. My own anger flashed through me, hating how he was staring at Leo.

“Watch your tone.” I growled.

He sneered at me, as he looked me over as if he had just seen me. “Ah… the one whose fault all of this is...”

A pang of pain rushed through me. My fault...

Leo‘s eyes flashed as he looked up, brushing strands of Jackie‘s hair back. “Be happy I‘m allowing you to see her when you don‘t even fucking deserve that.” He said, his voice dead of emotion and ice–cold. His aura suddenly grew as his eyes flashed. “And one more word against Azura...” He left his threat hanging.

“She was my mate! Who died because of your lack of capability! You both are at fucking fault!” Emmet spat, “Let me see her!” He struggled against the men holding him, but he was weakened. “Don‘t do this Emmet!” Eric growled; his voice strained. Leo stood up, lifting Jackie‘s body gently and placed her on the table. Planting a kiss on her forehead. He turned to Emmet, his arm possessively moving me behind him as if he didn‘t even want Emmet to look at me. “I am the one who is allowing you to fucking be here, so show some respect to her and stop acting like a fucking prick.” Emmet sneered, “That‘s my mate, I may have hurt her in my anger but I‘m not the one responsible for killing her. That‘s on you, Leo!”

Leo‘s anger filled the room like a beast ready to destroy, his blazing steel blue eyes glaring at Emmet as he advanced on him. “For her sake, I am not going to fucking rip you apart but remember she was the only fucking thing keeping me from killing you. With her gone... I‘m not seeing a fucking incentive.”

He stopped in front of him, his entire body on the brink of shifting, I could see his claws, and hear the deepening of his voice. “For someone who just lost their mate, I can‘t figure out why you aren‘t running to her side to hold her.” Leo snarled venomously, clenching his fists as he glared at the man before him. “She was ready to reject you and move on with her life, she deserved far more... You have five minutes.”

Emmet didn‘t reply, walking towards the table. For a moment, I did see the sadness in his eyes, but I was unsure if it was him or the bond... He had just lost his other half, but Leo had displayed far more emotions. It was clear that Emmet was not feeling the loss as deeply as Leo


Leo‘s arm went around my shoulders, guiding me towards the door at the same time Eric and the guard moved Emmet closer to Jackie. Eric was crying as his eyes fell on her corpse. I moved away from Leo, placing my hand on his shoulder as he looked away, almost as if ashamed to show his tears.

Our eyes met and I gave him a sad smile.

“Come on.” Leo said quietly, holding his hand out to me. I nodded and made my way over to him when Emmet spoke, his voice bitter and icy. “Karma will not forget this, Leo.” 4

Leo‘s frown deepened as he looked over his shoulder at Emmet. “Excuse me?”

My mate died because of your carelessness... Karma will come to collect… I‘ll await the day I see the blood of that elite next to you, running down.” An animalistic growl left Leo‘s lips as he turned, lunging at Emmet. “I will kill you.” He growled venomously, slamming Emmet to the ground, and punching him across the face, making blood spray from his nose. His heart was beating, and Emmet simply laughed. “So much for respecting Jackie.” “Leo come on.” I said going over to them, I glared down at Emmet, as I forced Leo off him.” He isn‘t worth your time.” “Get him out of here, he doesn‘t deserve to spend time with her.” Leo hissed, before storming

to the door, his anger swirling around him. Emmet shook his head as Eric and the other guard restrained him, pulling him to his feet. “Go … but this is all the elites are good for... causing death... To protect them, once more a few more of us lost our lives. Congratulations Westwood, you‘re the reason she‘s dead.” Guilt enveloped me as Leo pulled me from the room, my head felt like it was going to explode, and my entire body burned as if it were enveloped in fire.

I was the reason she was dead... I cast Judah‘s shadow over this pack... I am the reason she‘s gone. Emmet wasn‘t even wrong… Leo knows it, deep down he knows it…

She died because of me because I made the mistake of getting entangled with someone as sick as him.

“Leo! Jackie‘s gone!” I looked up when Nikki came running over, tears streaming down her cheeks as she ran straight to Leo, flinging her arms around his neck. 4

My eyes flashed as I looked at them, both devastated at the loss of someone special, but I still wanted to rip her out of his arms.

Maybe I was selfish.. The moment Leo‘s hands went to her waist, I turned away. I couldn‘t focus anymore; everything was a mess, and the excruciating pain in my head was about to burst. Why did I even think I could make a place here? I could hear them speaking, but I couldn‘t focus. I took a shuddering breath, and I broke into a


“Azura!” Leo‘s voice came, but I felt like my entire body was fighting against me. I was the reason behind this. All I do is take the lives of those around me. I stumbled into the fresh air, my heart pounding as I fell to my knees heaving, the blinding light around me felt too much. Go away! Let me stay in the darkness. Wrapping my arms around myself, I dropped to my knees, feeling sick. My frustration and anger swirled around me.

This was all his fault. I was going to kill him. Judah had fucking messed with me for far too long!

The burning felt too intense, and I was unable to stop the scream of anguish as the pain erupted, and I just wanted it all gone.


My legs gave way and Leo caught me as darkness blanketed the area around us.

“Seemed like Kiara and Liam‘s...” Leo mused quietly running his fingers through my hair. I knew Kiara‘s had awoken when she had felt extreme emotion which triggered it... my heart thudded as I realised something similar had just happened to me. My emotions had been out of control, it had just been building up. Looking around I realised we weren‘t alone, several people had rushed out, probably to see what the light was.


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