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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 75

74. Making Amends


A silence followed, and I took a drag on m y cigarette. He knew we were together now, which should have taken the fucking shock factor out of this call. “Are you following so I can fucking continue?” 4

I heard him blow out a short breath. ”

Leo, this is a surprise…

“It shouldn’t really be one considering you obviously know I have overcome my issues, somewhat.”

“Your issues?”

I smirked humorlessly. “We both know I was the one who had the issues, right? I accept that if that’s what you want. Let’s not sugarcoat that shit. Is Scarlett there? 11 I was sure she was.

“Yes, I’m here, hello Leo.”

“Hi.” I replied, smoking my cigarette.

“I’m glad the two of you have sorted things out.” She added.

“But I’m assuming you’re still angry, and I don’t fucking blame you. I hurt her and I know an apology isn’t going to change that shit, but still… I’m sorry, what I did i s not something that can just be swept under the rug.” It wasn’t easy to apologize, but when it came to her- for her, it became fucking easier. 2

“You aren’t wrong.” Elijah replied quietly.

“I know my apology is just a fucking word, but I will prove to be a better person for her. I’ll keep her happy, and I’ll sure as fuck take care of her. She’s my responsibility now, and I assure you that she’s in good hands.” I smirked at those words, remembering how good her ass looked in my hand… 5

They were silent for a moment, and I knew they were probably conversing through the mind link. The only thing I hated about phone calls was that you couldn’t deduce a person’s facial expression to figure out what they were thinking.

After another long moment, Elijah spoke. “I’m glad you two have sorted it out. I was angry, but it’s not the first time I’ve had to see one of my daughters go through something like this… I hope like Alejandro, you will treat her well.”

“I won’t treat her like Alejandro treats Kiara, I plan to treat her way better.” I replied, and I fucking meant it. “Your daughter is about to become Luna on this coming full moon, and I wanted to personally call and invite all her loved ones to be here for it. You are welcome to come at any time, even if it’s days prior to the ceremony.” I ran my fingers through my hair before I continued. “The Sangue Pack extends its hand of friendship to the Blood Moon, and I… I promise that the Sangue Pack will be there for the Blood Moon if ever the need arises.”

And I fucking meant it.

Scarlett let out a small laugh, but I could tell she was emotional. “Well, he’s sure better with words than Alejandro.”

Obviously. 2

“I’ll withhold my judgement until I see how you treat her and how happy she is.”

Elijah responded, not as impressed as his counterpart, “We will be there.” 3

“Great, please pass on the message to whomever else you think she’d like here.”

“We will.” Elijah answered.

“Is Azura there?” Scarlett asked.

“No, she isn’t; I didn’t really inform her I was about to call.” I replied, thinking this was… weird. These were practically my in -laws…

Ones who I used to call the elite…

It’s crazy how in such a short time around her has made me realise things, accept them, and move on… I felt lighter…

“Well, we appreciate your call Leo, I will look forward to seeing you soon.”

Scarlett spoke.

“Yeah.” Elijah agreed begrudgingly. “The call was… welcomed.” 2

“Then… until we meet… take care.” I’d see Elijah at the meeting, I was sure Alejandro may have filled him in a little and I had made it clear to him not to

mention Azura. I didn’t want him associated with Azura and neither did I

want her parents to think she hid crap from them. When she wanted, she’d tell them, preferably when they came down. Face to face.

“Goodbye, give Azura our love.” Scarlett said.

“I will.”

“See you soon.” Elijah added, before we ended the call, and I tossed it onto the bed, exhaling.


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