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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 99

The Beginning of a Beautiful Night


I pull away and he squeezes my shoulder.

“I may not be like the fucker who can see a lot of shit, but you are going to do great things.” He smirks and I cock a brow, but before I can even reply, I hear footsteps and sense a powerful aura. 5

“Am I interrupting?” I turn to see none other than Dante walking over to us. 4

“You got here.” Alejandro says, placing a hand on his son’s arm. I see the faint glimpse of concern on his face, but it’s gone as fast as it came. “How was your journey?”

Dante sighs and shakes his head, “I found nothing. I’m not seeing anything about him. It’s just a blank. The only time

I see him is when it involves Azura and even those are distorted.”

I look up sharply as both men frown.

“Judah?” I ask.

Dante nods. “I was trying to get answers, but there’s nothing.” That was fucking weird… He smiles faintly.

“I thought you’d have some answers, or i s it that you just can’t say?” I ask.

“I can’t see all. Some things just come to me, but as far as tracking him, I’m coming up blank.”

“I would have assumed that we knew all species… and we fucking know he isn’t a vampire. I’m pretty much lost in what he can be.” I frown as Alejandro nods his agreement.

“Yeah, I fucking thought so too.’

Dante shoves his hands into his pockets and stares at the dark skies, the full moon visible. “The Gods are at work. Tell me, if

Selene alone has put blessed wolves,

Lycans and Demi-Gods on this earth, then what’s saying the other gods aren’t building their own armies?” He asks quietly. 4

“That shit makes no fucking sense.” Alejandro replies, but it does… Dante’s words ring through my mind and with them I get a strong sense of foreboding too… 4

“Dad!” Skyla’s voice came snapping me from my thoughts, and Alejandro cocks a brow.

“Better go see what Lucifer’s incarnate wants.” He says, making both of us smirk.

We see Skyla step out, frowning over something, and I remember her flashing eyes.

“What is she?” I ask as both father and daughter disappear inside.

Dante chuckles. “A Lycan.”

I frown despite my shock. “Isn’t there only ever supposed to be one alive at a time?” I ask, Lycan’s were rare, one born every few centuries and now suddenly two in one lifetime? 5

He shrugs, leaning against the wall. ” Yeah, but there’s also never been a female Lycan, so either the rule doesn’t apply or when dad died, it counted as if h e was not meant to be… I don’t really know. I’m not all-knowing.”

“Sorry, I guess it gets tiring when everyone expects you to know shit, right?” I ask quietly, watching him sharply.

His face betrays nothing as he smiles faintly. And I know I’m fucking right. ”

Yeah… I guess so. You clock on pretty fast.”

“Thank fuck for that shit.” I remark. “I often used to wonder why there were so many powerful beings being placed here i n such a short time… Kiara, Scarlett, Liam, Alejandro… you… Something is at work or is going to come into play soon and I feel like we’re preparing for something.” 5

“I like how you stated that and not asked.” He chuckles.

I also like how you didn’t answer that statement.

I say nothing, but the fact he didn’t deny i t meant there has to be something larger at work, or to come. The moment of unease passes when Dante speaks.

“So, how do you feel about becoming a dad again? I swear I can’t picture that feisty miracle as a mother.” He smiles, glancing up towards the bedroom window.

How he knew that was my room, and that Azura was there right now, was fucking weird, but I didn’t question it.


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