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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 22

  ‘This is my home. I'll give you one chance to leave, or I’ll rip your heads off!’ I yell, and the alphas laugh.

  ‘You are surrounded, Alpha Maximus. I don't think you’re in any position to threaten us,’ he snaps.

  I shift into my lycan, and Hope shifts into her wolf, and lets out a howl.

  ‘Such a pretty little wolf,’ the alpha says, smirking; admiring Storm’s unique silver and white fur.

  ‘She would be good for breeding pups with,’ the other says. I snarl, and race towards the alpha. They and the warriors shift into their wolves.

  Snarling, I bite a leg, and fling the wolf with great force across the room, baring my fangs near someone’s neck, for my next kill. Hope is fighting off the warriors who have her surrounded. She is putting up a good fight, but there are too many of them.

  One of the alphas hold her down, and she is forced to shift into her human form. She kicks him, while a warrior wraps his arms around her, from behind, pinning her arms to her chest. Ten warriors and two alphas are attacking me, but I run to Hope, to free her, before feeling a sting in my back. Not again! I fall into darkness.

  When I wake, I’m in a cell in my own dungeon, with chains around my wrists and ankles. It’s just like the night I met Hope. I howl loudly, and frustratedly, and hear the sound of footsteps and keys.

  ‘Will you shut the fuck up?’ An alpha yells.

  ‘Where is Hope? What have you done to her?’ I yell.

  ‘No need to worry. We’re taking very good care of her, if you know what I mean,’ he smirks.

  ‘If you touch her, I swear on the Moon Goddess, it will be the last thing you ever touch!’ I yell. The alpha chuckles and walks away.

  ‘Come back here, you coward!’ I yell, only to hear it echo.

  ‘Alpha... Alpha...’ Someone is whispering, and I’m looking around, but I can’t see anyone.

  ‘Up here!’ They whisper, and I look up into the moon hole in the ceiling.

  ‘Mother of the Moon Goddess! Is that really you, Nathan?’ I ask, utterly shocked. Nathan pokes his head through the moon hole; it’s too small for the rest of his body to fit through.

  ‘I-we thought you were dead?’ I stammer.

  ‘As soon as I saw you grab Hope and run, I ran. I didn't fully escape the explosion. My back and arms were burnt. But I outran it enough to survive,’ he explains, and my eyes well up.

  ‘You have no idea how happy I am you survived. I'm sorry I didn't come back for you. I wanted to. But I couldn't,’ I say, ashamed.

  ‘It’s fine, Alpha. The men followed you. You had to save our Luna. I came back here as soon as I recovered. I'm not sure who’s winning. There are a lot of dead wolves in the field. I’ll enter via the hidden entrance near the well. Sit tight, Alpha. I'll unchain you and get you out of there!’ Nathan says, and I nod. I wait an hour before he arrives.

  ‘Come on Nathan! Where are you?’ I wonder aloud.

  Nathan enters; keys dangling in his fingers.

  ‘About time,’ I say, and he rolls his eyes.

  ‘Do you know how hard it was to get these, without being seen?’ He says.

  ‘Sorry. I'm just worried about Hope. You didn't see her, did you?’ I ask. Nathan shakes his head. Free from the chains, we make our way upstairs, searching for Hope. We kill any warrior we come across.

  The alphas are arguing about claiming Hope, in a room nearby. Kicking the door in, I see Hope tied to a chair, wearing one of my shirts, that reaches her knees. One of the alphas stand.

  ‘How did you get out?’ He asks, angered.

  Nathan steps out from behind me, grinning.

  ‘Nathan!’ Hope screams, delighted; tears of joy fall down her cheeks.

  We shift and lunge at the alphas. I rip a chunk out of one of them, and he bleeds profusely from his ankle. I then fling his head backwards, breaking his neck, and let him fall to the ground.

  ‘One down! Two to go!’ I snarl. The alphas panic, knowing they’re about to die. I lunge and rip into one of their necks, while Nathan rips into the other alpha's chest, and when my alpha is dead, I join Nathan and finish the kill.

  Shifting back, I untie Hope, and she flings her arms around me, not caring about the blood all over me.

Chapter 22 1

Chapter 22 2

Chapter 22 3


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