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Alpha’s Surrogate by Pooja novel Chapter 63

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 63

63. Part 2.

“Can you please tell me whether Luna Adira and I una Kiara are your biological daughters?” The King’s voice became stern, yet the Alpha couple

c d their brows in response to the unexpected query. What kind of question was that?

“Yes, Kiara and Adira are my children. They are mine. I am their mother;”Manha claimed, and Sawyer nodded immediately.

“Can you prove it?” King’s Beta pointed out,

“Prove? Well, I can show you my album,” the Alpha remarked, gesturing for his Beta lo bring it for the King Alan returned shonly with a big album to present to the king Renard began to examine each photograph, realizing that both sisters have their mothers’ beauty Kiara had inherited Sawyer’s chocolatey brown eyes, while Adira had inherited her Martha’s blue ones. He looked at a few niore photographs before coming to a hall, filled with doubt.

“Strange Alpha Sawyer, you don’t have any photos with Luna Kiara. I can find some with all of your children, except for hier. She only las pictures with Luna Adira and Luna Martha But not with you, why?” The King’s doubtful green eyes looked between Luna and Alpha

“Is this because you are not the girl’s parents?” He added The Alpha couple was stunned by what the King had said but before they could say anything, Beta Brian stepped forward.

“I want to warn the Alpha and Luna that if they lie to the Alpha King, the entire Ardara Moon Pack will be slaughtered Please only answer with the truth,” he warned the couple, causing them to panic.

“But what we told you was true. Why would we deceive ourselves or you about our daughters? We are their parents,” Sawyer felt a surge of rage in his veins. Things were becoming absurd at this point. He just couldn’t figure out what the objective of this chat was.

“Then what about your younger daughter? I heard you didn’t like her. You also prohibited her from returning to your territory since she married Alpha Xavier. Who does that to their own daughter?” Renard asked yet another inquiry. He had gathered all available information before arriving here, and the outcome was obvious. When he had brought up Kiara, the Alpha in front of him had grown pale.

Sawyer shifted his gaze away from the King, his heart pounding. He was brought back to the present

from the memories of how he had mistreated Kiara. Martha raised her gaze to take in her mate’s

remorseful expression. She sensed emotions in him that she had never felt before. What exactly were they? Sawyer had a distinct disposition in his eyes while a complex set of emotions varied as they moved through him like the ocean tide. He seemed to be dying on the inside as a result of his remorse.

“Sawyer,” she gripped his hand firmly, pulling him out of his guilt, as she forced him to look into her

blue eyes.

“Say something, Sawyer. Don’t be silent at a time like this,” she encouraged him. The Alpha was

struggling to take a breath as he reflected on his relationship with his younger daughter and the things he had imposed on her over the last 18 years.

“Martha, Iain “before Sawyer could say anything, the old Alpha King said

“Alpha Sawyer, I’m suspicious of your claim Luna Kiara is not your daughter You niust acknowledge this and tell me who her true parents are,” Sawyer’s large chocolatey enraged eyes flashed at the king He’d had enough

“Who said she is not my child? Yes, I admit that I disliked her for a variety of reasons. I also admit that I

was an asshole no matter how many times Martha tried to stop me from pushing her away but the truth is Kiara is niy daughter! She is my flesh and blood. No one can change ihal reality and separate my daughter’s existence from me. I loved both of my daughters,” Sawyer confessed, holding guilt out in front of him like a stone for the King to bear witness to but still his blood was boiling in angel

“Sawyer did you…” Martha’s voice became stuck in her throal, her tears welled as she finally hear the words she had been waiting 12 years to hear. Did her male actually call Kiara his daughter?

“You said you love Kiara, right? Finally, you said that you are her father 100, not just Adira’s” tears streamed down her cheeks. Savryer nodded in regret. They had been so lost in each other’s eyes that they had failed to notice that the King was smiling and had already left the pack house, leaving the lovely couple alone Renard had realized Sawyer and Martha were the sisters biological parents but still the

mystery had not been resolved.

“Yes, I do. I know it’s too late for me to embrace this truth, but I love our Kiara as well, Martha When

the King accused me of her not being my child, I felt as if he was severing an important and precious part of my body. I couldn’t stand it. Kiara is our daughter, Martha She is a part of me,” he muttered Martha saw

tears well up in her mate’s eyes for the first time.

“Sawyer,” she threw her arms around his neck and cried in happiness.

“I am sorry for everything. Martha. I realize now that I have caused you far too much pain. I was narrow-minded when I blamed Kiara for our child’s death. One of the triplets was supposed to die. I just couldn’t take that and began hating her. Now that I’m in the same position that I’ve been putting you in my entire life in the name of Kiara, I realize how much of a monster I am,” he stated while drawing away from her but still holding her hands. As he did not dare to look into her blue eyes, his guilty chocolatey eyes were focused down on their hands.

“I’m not fit to be a father. I’m not worthy of being your Alpha. I don’t deserve to be your mate,” his tears finally chose to betray him before he said those raw painful words he had never expected to admit.

“I will accept your rejection, Martha. I am ready to free you from our made bond. I know I deserve

“Shhh, stop talking crazy, Sawyer,” the Luna cupped her mate’s face and wiped away his tears.

“Yes, Sawyer, you are late, but not so late that I cannot forgive you. I’m glad you recognize your mistakes and that now you have the opportunity to apologize to our Kiara,” Martha smiled. The Alpha

Chapter 63 1


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