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Alpha’s Surrogate by Pooja novel Chapter 65

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 65

65.It’s time to f**k with our enemies!

“How?” Adira asked in surprise That was when she noticed her husband and his twin exchanging looks. Kiara and Adira also glanced at each other in confusion Both of the twins smirked at their mates.

That w e and her spy’s days have come to an end!” The twins said together Everyone followed Zander to his office, which was attached to his bedroom The Alpha twins stood behind the center of the desk while the others surrounded it

“We spent a good amount of time speaking with Uncle Renard last night when we escorted him to the border to say our goodbyes We discovered that he had purposefully provided Petra the opportunity to enter our pack so that she would have the mistaken belief that she had won She hasn’t even realized that she’s fallen into our trap, or that we’ve discovered that the third party targeting us is none other than some treacherous wolves from the Blue Moon Pack On top of that Alpha Harvey is unaware of his sister’s plans,’ Xaviei explained.

“We Lincolns have always believed that keeping our opponents close to us allows us to keep an eye on their every move, therefore we let Petra stay in the pack’Zandei smirked at all the ladies. They had opposed allowing the blonde to stay on the pack land. Especially Kiara,

“Wait! Petra is behind all the attacks?’ Adira frowned

“Yes, when she brought all the drama in front of the Alpha King and the council that Alpha Roman, her father, was dying of an incurable disease, my uncle had already realized that something was wrong He appointed a private investigator 10 explore the situation, they discovered that someone had secietly been giving Alpha Roman some kind of low grade poison that is nolletting his wolf heal him It was like someone did not want him to ever wake up, giving him a slow, painful death. That poison is causing him to die and we can all easily assume who is killing him.” The older Alpha twin pointed out

“That’s obvious. It is Petra’s doing it. She refused to divorce Xavier at the time of her rejection, her father had to drag her back to her old pack. I’m sure she resented him for it, so now she’s exacting her revenge on her father for that as well. Because if Alpha Roman was healthy. she would be unable to act as his proxy and enter our pack using her brother’s wedding as an excuse.” Adira concluded

“Correct,” Xavier nodded with a smile.

“How do you know she’s the one who’s attacking us?” Kiara inquired, and Zander responded

“Last night, while all of you women were asleep, we males had been going over everything from the prior day’s incident,” he spoke as he placed a large sheet of paper on the desk, drawing everyone’s attention He had sketched out each event one by one in order to describe them.

*Xavier rejected Petra two years ago, but in the meantime, our pack was at peace There was no trace of the Blue Moon pack or her, but once Kiara and Xavier marked each other, we were attacked for the first time

“A few days later, we discovered the body of a pack member near the border, which we had

assumed was the result of a vampire attack. We were duped by the vampire bite mark and


The following attack occurred on the day we were recruiting new members for our pack, Someone freed a criminal wolf from prison, yet instead of escaping the pack he tracked down and attacked Kiara

*Next, the couple was assassinated in the forest on our pack’s land someone had used magic to kill them. It made us think that vampires had been using magic to hide their scent

*After that, I summoned Veia, the witch, 10 seal our pack with the spell, ensuring that no one could use the magic to kill others.

“Then there was the lrain station incident when I met Adira Everyone learned that she was my soulmate, and then Xavier and Kiaia were assaulted in vampire territory While in the pack, Adira and I were ambushed

“We managed the situation and we were not attacked after that since Petra had opted to sneak into our pack and take care of us on her own.’ Zander stated.

“However, I still don’t see how she could ambush us from the outside?’ Adira was perplexed

“If you look at the pattern again, you’ll notice that she had planted a spy in our pack. That puppet is dancing on her finger and has been killing our people for her ” Xavier explained, and Zander continued with the sheet.

“If I’m not mistaken, the spy entered our pack after Kiara and Xavier marked each other and I kicked Frida out of the pack. He is the one who let the criminal woll out of the prison so he could kill Kiara. Petra clearly wanted to get revenge on Xavier by murdering his mate

“At this point, the spy was already in our pack, he used magic to kill that couple using the mist in the woods, and he easily mingled with our warriors. It was the reason why, no matter how many times we boosted border security and locked down the pack, we couldn’t find him.

“They skillfully diverted our attention to the attack, leading us to believe it was a vampire attack, but in fact they were using some type of gadget, vampire venom, and an insect to suck up the werewolf’s blood. Instead of going to war with the vampires, Xavier asked for a meeting with Vampire King Alfred It was a brilliant move because it thwarted Petra’s strategy. She planned to end our pack by inciting a war between werewolves and vampires.

“had spoiled their plan by putting the spell in our pack, so he could no longer use his power, instead he had to enlist someone else to attack us. She knew where we both twins were at that time.

“That spy provoked the Head Warrior and his brother to launch an attack on the pack and to assassinale Adira. I’m still puzzled as to why the spy was only interested in my mate. Was it because I was the one who exposed Petra’s dirty secret to Xavier or is there some other reason for them to kill Adira. But their plan backfired when I jumped off of the cliff and Kaiden arrived in time

“We could have forced the Head Warrior and his brother to reveal who had ordered them to commit those crimes, but that spy was pretty astute. Everyone had already been poisoned by him. But after that day, he didn’t take any more chances of murdering our people because we had already discovered that the attackers were werewolves, not vampires!

Chapter 65 1


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