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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 26

Auri pulled her hair up into a ponytail and stripped down into a sports bra and the leggings she was wearing. I knew she was older but she was stunning, even for a werewolf. Her eyes were a stormy grey and her hair was white. It reminded me a little of my mate’s hair. Hers looked natural though and I wondered just how old she really was.

She was small but the amount of muscle packed into her was shocking. I pulled off my shirt as well and tied my sweats tighter. As she stretched, I did as well. We had run all the way up here so I was already warmed up but I still made sure I was loose.

Not saying a word, she reached out and waved me forward to attack. I took her signal and raced forward. However, I held back as I threw my punch. It wasn’t until I saw her face inches from mine that I knew I fucked up. My feet left the ground as I flew back from her punch. Landing on all fours, I coughed and tried to catch my breath but she had hit me so hard, all the air in my lungs was gone.

“Holy…” Owen, from behind me, mumbled.

Getting up, I staggered for a couple seconds before righting myself. I was glad I did because she appeared in front of me. My hands came up instinctually as she punched me and the power alone made me lose my footing and stumble back. One after another, I tried to block and sometimes she would get in a hit that would send me flying. My mind raced as I tried to get on the offensive but every time I tried to take a step forward, she pushed me three steps back. She was a master and I felt like a child.

“Auri, now you’re just being rude. If you aren’t going to teach him something, don’t hold back.” Bryan, who was actually leaning against a cane, called out.

I had gained some distance between her but my eyes widened as I looked at her. A smirk played on her lips. She shrugged.

“Come on. We’ve got dinner in thirty minutes and you promised to make soup.”

Auri nodded and then as soon as I blinked, she was was gone from my vision. I looked around in front of me but not even a full second later, I felt myself flying forward, a kick landing squarely in the middle of my back. I almost fell exactly where she was standing before. I managed to stay upright but a knee connected with my ribs before a foot connected with the front of my face. I didn’t feel anything else as I lost consciousness.


“I think our little Alpha here is walking up.”

Squeezing my eyes together, I opened them and blinked a few times. Jolting up, a hand pressed on my chest.

“Woah, hold on there. Not too fast. Alpha got you good in the face.” My eyes adjusted and I realized I was looking at the female younger wolf of the circus group.

“What…what happened?”

Hector walked by and handed me a glass of water which I took. “Our Alpha laid you out, is what happened. Honestly, I didn’t think she would aim for your face.”

“You’re still very much bruised but I made sure that your nose, cheeks, and jaw were all aligned so that they would heal correctly.” The young wolf smiled. “Oh! My name is Lucy, I’m the pack doctor.”

“Pack doctor?” I looked around the tent. I had seen it when I came up but I didn’t realize just how big it was. It was a mini pack house. There were even flaps that lead to other rooms. A table was set up in the center with seats for everyone as well as a mini kitchen and bean bags in the corner for lounging.

“We might not look it, but we are a pack.” Lucy smiled. “Hector, is our Beta, Bryan is the Gamma. AJ and Jax over there are our head warriors, I’m the pack doctor, and our Alpha put her foot in your face.”

My eyes widened as much as they could with the bruising. It definitely hurt too. “The wolfless blind woman is your Alpha?”

Lucy started to laugh and so did Hector. The two young male wolves groaned and got up from the pile of bean bags. “Fuck. I could have sworn they would have known who we were. We fucking introduced themselves.”

They both slammed hundred dollar bills on the table. Bryan added another and Auri came over from the kitchen where she was standing and gathered the money, shoving it in her pocket. I looked at them, confused.

“Goddess, he really doesn’t know.” Lucy shook her head and left my side. “No wonder they have been treating us like shit.”

“Shall we reintroduce ourselves then?” Hector smiled, leaning against the table.

“We’ll start.” One of the head warriors smiled. “I’m AJ, Jax is my older brother. We are known more in the mercenary community as The Bloodblades.”

Lucy chuckled. “The only reason they are called that is because they don’t clean up after themselves, let’s be honest.”

“Ha ha, very funny.” Jax chimed in. “She is Dr. Lucy Steele. Also know as Dr. Shelley, after Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein. Her knowledge in medicine and all things doctoring are mind-blowing.”

“Aww…guys, that was really nice.”

AJ chuckled. “Her attitude could use a little work.”

A mug flew across the tent and hit AJ on the shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder and wrinkled his nose. “Doctors are supposed to heal, not hurt. Goddess, Lucy, get it right.”


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