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Alpha's Last Minute Bride novel Chapter 6

Evangeline’s POV


I couldn’t cry on my fate anymore after all I got married to an arrogant and heartless Alpha. I wonder what his problem was. One moment, I could find him looking at me with an unknown expression which I couldn’t name yet but at the same time, he looked like he didn’t give a damn about this marriage and had nothing to do with me

Well, why would he?

He wanted to marry my sister and got married to me instead.

He ordered me to look at him and without warning, he gripped my waist and crushed his lips to mine. I was not prepared for the rush of emotions that jammed my heart. I couldn’t understand the reason for my sudden emotions for him. I gripped his black suit, trying to hold myself from falling to the floor.

And just like he kissed me before I could have prepared myself, he pulled away from me so quickly that I was left to think that I was a plague from which he wanted to stay away as much as possible.

But his eyes said otherwise.

When he mentioned that he was not going to mark me. I felt a slight pain in my heart which I again couldn’t decipher why? I was already prepared for this, didn’t I? He would obviously mark his mate, not me, right?

“Get all your belongings from your room. We will be leaving for our home in half an hour.”, Though he again sounded arrogant but I liked the fact that he mentioned ‘OUR HOME’. His home was mine now.

I quickly walked inside the home to get those pages from my stepmother which she had said that she would handover to me but I could find her.

“Luna Evangeline”, I started that Omega in confusion when he called me with that name. It took me a while to realize that I was now married to an Alpha, and that made me Luna. “Your mother asked me to give this to you.”

I nodded my head, taking the paper which she had in her hand. “Meet me near the Lake Side. Make sure you should come alone and no one should see you.”

What the fuck!

‘What is she planning at this moment?

Mr. Arrogant has given me just half an hour. How in the hell could I manage meeting her near the Lake and get all my belongings in just half an hour?’


The moment the moonlight touched my skin, I felt like something happened to my skin. I gently rubbed my hands and ran toward the forest as fast as I could but I immediately stopped when I saw white hairs growing out of my hands, out of nowhere.

I stopped running and touched my hands again.

What kind of sick joke was this?

I tried to pull those white hairs like furr from my hand but I felt pain while doing so!

It seemed like those were the parts of my body but how could that be possible, I had had waxing a few days before.

“Aaahhhh”, I collapsed on the ground suffering from an excruciating pain that erupted from my stomach, radiating toward my whole body. I watched the color of my nails getting changed from the shed of white and pink to black. Also, my body started getting covered with those white furs more densely than before.

“Is it possible that I’m shifting?”, I asked myself but didn’t receive any answer in return.

I felt bones start to crack and start to realign themselves.

I wanted to cry and shout loudly but I couldn’t, because by that time, I had lost my voice, all I could do was whimper in pain. I closed my eyes and kept whimpering until the pain subsided.

After a few minutes, I heard an excited female voice. “Hello, Open your eyes!!”

I did what I was told and found no one around. My eyes widened as I saw my toes, which were no longer human toes but furry paws. I took a 360-degree turn only to see my tail!

I heard someone giggling. I quickly stopped my stupid activity and got conscious.

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