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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 232

Chapter 232 

Only when they left home did he find out that it was to meet Hayley, whom his father allegedly was going to get engaged to, as well as to meet her family.

Initially, Gregory was disinterested in meeting them, but it wouldn’t be good for him to find fault with his grandparents and leave rudely, so he sat in his seat, acting indifferent.

As he looked at Hayley, who was in front of him, he started to miss Tessa even more.

While he was thinking about this, he heard Tessa’s voice, so he raised his head abruptly. Sure enough, he saw Tessa opening the door and walking in.

Gregory was extremely happy that his dreams had been realized and he wanted nothing more than to rush forward and hug Tessa’s leg.

However, he remembered that Tessa had been avoiding him recently, so he couldn’t approach her and let her baby him, which made him feel a little dispirited.

He could only sit obediently in his seat while he stared at her, trying to get some response.

Yet, his heart sank when Tessa, whom he missed terribly, pretended not to see him, despite having obviously seen him. Is Miss Tessa planning to ignore me forever?

Tessa sensed that the look in Gregory’s eyes had gotten a little sad, so she began to hesitate. Deliberately being indifferent to Gregory was also a form of torment to her, but she had no choice.

Not daring to look at Gregory again, she feigned calmness and chatted with Scott.

From the corners of her eyes, she saw that there was a classy lady sitting at Gregory’s table, and she was coaxing the boy to talk to her the entire time.

At the table, Tessa heard Stefania call the woman Hayley, so she guessed that this was Nicholas’ fiancée-Hayley Stone, the treasure of the Stone Family.

Nevertheless, who Nicholas would marry and who he was with had nothing to do with Tessa.

Hence, she stopped paying attention to their table and concentrated on her conversation with Scott.

Seeing that Tessa had completely shifted her attention, Gregory grew even more frustrated. Miss Tessa doesnt even want to look at me anymore...


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