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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 

However, no matter how Hayley coaxed Gregory, he ignored her as he remained in low spirits, wallowing in the misery that Tessa was ignoring him.

His mind was full of questions as to why Tessa would do that.

Is it because Daddy is getting married? But, Daddy has already promised me that as long as I dont like it, he wont marry this woman

He didn’t pay attention to the woman in front of him although she said that she wanted to take care of him. He didn’t even look at her, for fear that Tessa might notice it.

Hayley didn’t know what Gregory was thinking, so she continued to patiently coax him, only to realize that Gregory’s gaze had been fixed on the woman at the next table, as if he knew her.

However, this woman wasn’t even sparing Gregory a glance.

She assumed that Gregory was just taking a couple more glances at her because she was good-looking

Hayley didn’t think much about it and continued to focus on Gregory, showering him with motherly love. Unfortunately, Gregory was unmoved.

Tessa wasn’t aware of the situation happening at Gregory’s table at all. At first, she forced her attention away from Gregory and asked Scott a series of questions.

She gradually forgot about Gregory’s presence and was just focused on unearthing the secrets of the first chair violinist. When they talked about matters related to violin, both of them were utterly excited.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to finish their meal, and the academic inquiry was over in just a short time. After paying the bill, they were about to leave the restaurant right away.

But, before the two of them could reach the door, they were blocked by a tall figure.

Tessa looked up at the person in a gloomy manner, and she was about to let him pass when she saw the familiar face. The person who had just arrived was none other than Nicholas,

Tessa gulped, then swallowed the words she was about to say.

Nicholas swept his indifferent gaze across her face. Then, as if he didn’t know her, he turned sideways and avoided the two of them before walking toward Gregory’s table.

When the woman saw that it was him, she obviously froze for a moment before shifting her gaze, not daring to look at him. It was obvious that she knew him.


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