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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 310

Chapter 310 

Scott explained the purpose of his call on the other end of the line.

Tessa felt rather surprised and asked, “Mr. Brooks, what are you doing at the school?”

“This is my alma mater. I promised to be a guest lecturer for a class today,” Scott chuckled and explained, then asked again, “How about it? Do you want to go with


Tessa figured that she had nowhere to go anyway, so she agreed.

Scott sent the address to Tessa via text message, and they hung up after agreeing to meet at the school.

In the bright and spacious classroom, Tessa sat quietly at the end of the desk with her chin propped up.

Directly ahead, Scott stood at the podium in a black suit, giving a lecture humorously. The students present were attracted and responded eagerly, laughter spreading in the classroom from time to time.

Listening to all kinds of naive questions from the students, Tessa couldn’t help but recall her schooldays. At that time, like the students present, she was full of dreams and aspirations for the future.

Tessa’s thoughts began to wander as she listened to the lecture. Occasionally, she could hear discussions of the starstruck female students.

“Mr. Brooks is so handsome. I’m going to try my luck and ask for his number after class.”

“If Mr. Brooks becomes my boyfriend, that would be such a dream come true.”

“In your dreams. Mr. Brooks is mine.”

“Stop arguing. Mr. Brooks will belong to whoever wins him over.”

When the bell rang after class, Scott sorted out his coursework materials and announced, “Class dismissed.”

Almost as soon as he spoke, several attractive female students surrounded him.

Sitting at the desk, Tessa sighed as she watched Scott, surrounded by students. Its so good to be young and carefree. Not to mention, she was envious that so many people liked Scott.


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