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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 311

Chapter 311 

“But, since you’re here, I think you should really get the full experience of my alma mater. Remember, this is a happy experience, not a sad one.”

Tessa was taken aback for a moment then she understood that Scott was just trying to cheer her up. At that moment, she was touched and warmed by his kindness.

Afterward, the two of them took a detailed tour of the university. Scott was a conscientious tour guide, as he brought her to all the interesting spots in the school. He didn’t even miss out on the school’s grove, at which they interrupted many couples from having a good time.

After leaving the school, he continued to bring her around to visit many famous sights in Vienna. Perhaps it was because of his remarks at the beginning of their adventure; it gave her the chance to let down her hair and actually have fun as she thoroughly enjoyed her day. She felt so great that the smile on her face never disappeared

In the evening, Scott brought Tessa to a local bar with a particularly artistic atmosphere for a drink. Unlike the noisy environment at the other bars, this place was relatively quiet. It was simply the best portrayal of leisure as they enjoyed their time under the yellowish lights, soothing music, and private guest tables.

“I never knew a bar could have such an atmosphere.” Tessa curiously surveyed her surroundings, and her gaze slowly filled with love for this bar.

Scott smiled and said, “If you like it, you could visit more often in the future.”

Tessa nodded and continued drinking with Scott.

As time flew by, it was late at night before they knew it. Scott glanced at the tipsy girl opposite him, and his gaze was particularly gentle. “It’s late. Let me take you back.”

“Is it late?” Tessa dazedly checked her phone for the time. “It’s almost midnight. We should really get going.”

She staggered as she stood up, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help her. After they settled the bill, the two of them walked out of the bar.

“We’re here. Please have a safe trip back. Thank you for today. I truly appreciate it. I’ll treat you to a drink some other day.”

As they arrived at the residence’s entrance, Tessa stumbled out of the car. The fun she had today, coupled with the alcohol in her system, made her feel like she was floating on cloud nine.

Click! The originally dark living room lit up when she turned on the lights.


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