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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 403

Chapter 403 Moving Into Their New Home

Overjoyed with surprise, Gregory tugged at Nicholas’ sleeve and asked him for confirmation.

Nicholas looked down at the boy. He said in a gentle voice, “We’ll be living with Tessa from now on. Isn’t that great?”

“Of course it’s great!” Gregory was thrilled with excitement. After all, he had always dreamed of living with Tessa.

On the other hand, Tessa finally recovered from her astonishment. She turned to Nicholas with a frown, asking, “Did something happen?” Normally, as president of the Sawyer Group, Nicholas would’ve been busy every single day, so how could he possibly have time to live abroad permanently?

Of course, Nicholas noticed Tessa’s suspicion, but he didn’t want her to worry about what had happened back home. “Don’t overthink it. Nothing happened; it’s just that I want to give myself a long holiday and rest for some time,” he said. Then, not wanting to continue the subject, he changed the topic, saying, “Your apartment isn’t big enough to house us. As it happens, I asked someone to help me buy a house over here earlier on. Now that the renovation has been completed, let me take you to look at the house.”

Located in an affluent district, the brand-new villa was built in complete accordance with Vienna’s artistic architectural style. Its interior decor was expensive and luxurious, with all the necessary furniture, but it didn’t lack the warmth and coziness of a home.

Nicholas took Tessa by the hand and showed her around the villa. “What do you think?” he asked with his head lowered after they returned to the living room. “Just tell me if there’s anything you don’t like. I’ll get someone to fix it right away.”

“No, there’s no need to fix anything. This place is well decorated.” Tessa’s eyes showed a hint of worry as she looked around. She could tell from the house’s decor that Nicholas seemed to have made up his mind to settle down here. At the thought of this, she couldn’t help but ask again, “Nicholas, tell me the truth. Did something happen back home?”

Before Nicholas could speak, though, Gregory’s excited voice rang. “I like you so much, Daddy! I can live with Miss Tessa permanently from now on.” With a bright smile on his face, he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him toward Tessa. As it turned out, he had gone to the bathroom just now. Now that he was back, he latched onto Tessa again, of course.

Nicholas was somewhat relieved that Gregory came back at this moment, for he had yet to figure out how to explain the matter to Tessa otherwise.

However, Tessa might have read the man’s mind. She gave him a look as if saying, “Just you wait.”


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