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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 404

Chapter 404 An Opportunity

The dining room kept reverberating with cheerful laughter as the three enjoyed a very homely dinner.

When they finished having dinner afterward, Tessa played with Gregory for a while in the garden before taking the little boy to wash up and sleep. After he fell asleep, she quietly left the room and then turned around to go to the study. “Nicholas, I’m coming in.” She knocked on the door and entered, only to see Nicholas sitting at his desk; he looked very attractive in his black bathrobe with a large part of his chest bare.

Nicholas’ stony features softened the instant he saw her. “Gregory’s asleep?”

“Yeah, he’s asleep.” Tessa came to her senses and nodded. Then, recalling her purpose for coming here, she went up to Nicholas with a serious look on her face. “You’d better fess up. What actually happened? Why the sudden decision to settle down here?”

Seeing the lady’s unusually serious expression in the brightly lit study, Nicholas curled his lips into a faint smile. He confessed, “It’s nothing, actually. It’s just that I resigned from my position as the Sawyer Group’s president.”

“You resigned from your position as president?” Tessa was taken aback. She asked with a look of disbelief, “Why? Did your family agree to it?”

“Even if they don’t agree to it, it doesn’t matter. I’m gone now,” Nicholas said while pulling Tessa into his arms. Then, he joked, “You’re probably gonna have to support Greg and me from now on.”

“Oh, with pleasure,” Tessa replied while hugging Nicholas back around the neck. Still, she couldn’t get Nicholas’ departure from home out of her mind. She asked, “Am I the reason you left?”


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