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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 

Margaret flipped through the document. I’ll do my best.” 

Leila patted her shoulder. Great. Work hard!” 

After Leila left, Margaret let out a long sigh. She did not expect to return to Soaring Design once again after she had resigned. It was pathetic, as she had wanted to leave in the first place to chase after her dream. Yet, things did not turn out the way she expected. Life was indeed harsh

During lunchtime, Margaret had no appetite to eat anything, so she ordered a glass of lemonade before continuing her work. She was aware that she had to take care of herself now that she was pregnant. It was best if she did not work overtime

As for her pregnancy, she had no idea how to tell Christopher about it

Casper noticed that Margaret skipped lunch and asked curiously, Whats wrong? Does the food at the cafeteria suck?” 

Margaret shook her head. No. I just dont have the appetite to eat.” 

Casper peered at the lemonade in Margarets hand and frowned. Isnt that a bit too sour?” 

Margaret smiled without replying. I dont know how to explain this. I‘ve been craving weird foods lately

When she arrived home after work, she called Jodie, but the latter did not answer the call

Suspecting that Jodie might be busy, she did not overthink it

At that moment, Fredricks voice came from downstairs, signaling to Margaret that Christopher was back

It seemed like Christopher had no plans to head out that night. He went straight to take a bath and changed into a set of casual clothes. After that, both of them sat down at the dining table without speaking to each other. The atmosphere was quite tense

Elizabeth served the remaining dishes before advising, Mrs. Lewis, you have been feeling unwell lately, so I have made a healthy soup for you, It has a fishy smell to it, but its good for your health, so please drink some.” 

Margaret feared that she would vomit again, so she quickly covered her nose. Im not going to drink it... Elizabeth, Ive told you not to make anything that smells fishy. I cant stand it.” 

Elizabeth handed a small bowl of soup to Margaret. Ive spent the whole afternoon preparing this soup for you. Pinch your nose and gulp it down. Its going to be all right.” 

Hearing this, Margaret was unwilling to see Elizabeths effort go to waste. Hence, she pinched her nose and picked up the bowl of gooey soup before her. Even though she had prepared herself, the fishy smell still made her stomach churn. She then dashed into the restroom and threw up the food that she had eaten

Worried, Elizabeth turned to Christopher as she knew Margaret would not listen to her. Mr. Lewis, what should we do to help Mrs. Lewis? She had always suffered from gastric problems. Look at her now. What if it is something serious? She is still so young” 

Christopher frowned. Picking up food with his fork stiffly, he replied, She isnt a kid anymore. I dont have to worry about her.” 

Elizabeth pouted. But the least you can do is show some concern, right?” 


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