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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 She was startled and muttered, “It’s medicine for my gastritis.”

Christopher stepped forward and bent over to pick up the pill bottle, but Margaret snatched it up before he could. She remarked, “Let me do it. You’re heading out later, right? Come home early, and don’t overwork yourself.”

She met Christopher’s eyes and forced a smile, willing it to look natural.

Christopher narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Knowing her for so many years, he could read her every expression. He knew that she was hiding something from him but temporarily chose not to call her out.

Margaret watched him take a document and leave before finally releasing the breath she’d been holding. It was only then she realized that she had broken out in a cold sweat. After spilling the folic acid, there was not much left in the bottle. Looks like I have to make another trip to the hospital.

Shortly after taking the folic acid, Margaret felt a little hungry. However, she was worried that if she headed downstairs now, Elizabeth would bombard her with questions. Hence, she waited till it was late at night before carefully making her way downstairs. She then proceeded to cook a bowl of scrumptious-looking pasta.

As she held the bowl of pasta and headed to the dining room, she realized that it seemed a lot brighter than before. She was a little baffled by that. I only turned on one lamp when I came downstairs, so why is it so bright?

Just as she was feeling puzzled, Christopher’s voice rang out from the living room. “You’re still hungry?”

His sudden voice made Margaret jump in shock, and she spilled a bit of the sauce. It was piping hot and scorched her finger. She hastily placed the bowl on the coffee table, which was nearer. As she did so, more of the sauce splattered onto the table. She knew that Christopher must be looking on in disdain.

Keeping her composure, she grabbed a few tissues and cleaned up the spill. While doing so, she asked, “You’re back so soon?”

Christopher paused for a moment before he headed upstairs. As he walked past her, he replied, It’s already one a.m. in the morning.”

Margaret bit her lip and stayed quiet as her burnt finger stung badly. From her

perspective, one a.m. was still early. After all, she originally thought that he would not be back that night.

After finishing off her pasta and cleaning up, she waited for a bit before heading back to the room.


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